- Questions about borrowing, service fees and other library matters: library@uef.fi
- UEF Primo and the use of electronic resources: primo@uef.fi
- Information retrieval and reference management training, information specialist services: information.services@uef.fi
- Enquiries concerning the collections and the acquisition of information resources: acquisitions@uef.fi
- Material ordering outside local collections and material delivery to other libraries: kaukopalvelu@uef.fi
- Questions concerning UEF CRIS system and collecting publication data: cris@uef.fi
- Self-archiving for UEF eRepository publication archive: erepo@uef.fi
- Service email for electronical publishing: electronic.publications@uef.fi
- Questions related to APC fees and benefits: apcfees@uef.fi
- Questions concerning research data management and data sharing: datasupport@uef.fi
- Kuopio university hospital (KUH) medical library kys.kirj@kuh.fi
If you are unsure of which address to contact, send your message to library@uef.fi. Your message will be forwarded when necessary. You will receive a reply to your message at the latest on the fourth working day.
You can contact the library also via chat Mon-Fri from 10 to 16.
You can also use the service forms.
Phone numbers
- Joensuu campus library +358294458397 (local/mobile call charge)
- Kuopio campus library +358294458400 (local/mobile call charge)
- KUH medical library +358294458402 (local/mobile call charge)
- Joensuu campus library, Yliopistokatu 4, 80100 JOENSUU (Carelia-building)
- Kuopion campus library, Yliopistonranta 8, 70210 KUOPIO (Snellmania-building)
- Kuopio university hospital (KUH) medical library, Puijonlaaksontie 2, 70210 KUOPIO (Puijo hospital, door A)
P. O. Box addresses
- Joensuu campus library, P. O. Box 107, FIN-80101 JOENSUU, Finland
- Kuopio campus library, P. O. Box 1627, FIN-70211 KUOPIO, Finland
- KUH medical library, P. O. Box 100, FIN-70029 KYS, Finland
If you are returning books by mail, please see the instructions.
The University of Eastern Finland Library is a public scientific library open to everyone who is seeking information. As a public academic library we are offering library and information services especially for the university staff and students.
The Library comprises the campus libraries in Joensuu and Kuopio and the Kuopio University Hospital Medical Library. Our main functions are to support teaching and learning and to support research and publishing. The library is one of the six legal deposit libraries in Finland and a European Documentation Centre.
The functions of the library are defined by the Rules and Regulations of the University of Eastern Finland.
The tasks of the Library:
1. to be responsible for the development and administration of the university’s library and information services
2. to offer library and information services and to organise teaching and guidance which promote the efficient use of information sources
3. to operate as a scientific library open to the public and to attend to the tasks assigned to the Library by legislation
4. to promote the availability of information sources by being actively involved in the scientific library network
5. to improve and develop the university’s publication activities and services relating to open science within the scope of operations of the Library
The action plan of the library 2025-2028 defines the vision and the objectives of the library.
Our annual reports are published at UEF Library blog.
Trainings and events
UEF research publications
- UEF eRepository - the open access materials repository of the University of Eastern Finland that contains theses and publications of the University of Eastern Finland, self-archived versions of articles and metadata of research data made available by our researchers
- UEF CRIS Research Database - the Current Research Information System of the UEF, projects, publications, expert, other scientific and academic activities
library units
staff members (2023)
375 626
library visits (2023)
Our Service Promise
- We guarantee confidential service and respect for the customer.
- We will promote a peaceful workplace, a comfortable environment and the customer's right to encounter a staff member part of a healthy professional community.
- The customer will encounter a professional library worker committed to their work and will receive competent guidance in order to find information.
- We will develop our operations together with the customers.
Feedback will be processed daily. Easily fixed issues will be solved immediately if they are essential to the service and in accordance with the operating policy. All feedback will be processed in the relevant services. If necessary, feedback will also be processed in the library’s working groups. Feedback and the changes prompted by feedback will be processed annually by the management group in the management review.
Discrimination-free zone
Read more about the purpose of the sign