We offer diverse study opportunities and excel in multidisciplinary research and cooperation with other fields of science.
The UEF Law School offers studying opportunities in different Bachelor's, Master's, licentiate and doctoral degrees. In its research and teaching activities, the UEF Law School specialises in several areas: International and Finnish Environmental Law; International, EU and Finnish Climate Change Law; International, EU and Finnish Energy Law; Empirical Juridical Research, and Welfare Law.
Research at the UEF Law School places strong emphasis on international cooperation and networking.
Bachelor's and Master's Degree Students
Doctoral researchers
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The UEF Law School offers various options for international students. We have a wide variety of different international courses and degrees.
The UEF Law School offers studying opportunities in different Bachelor's, Master's, licentiate and doctoral degrees. We specialise in several areas: International and Finnish Environmental Law; International, EU and Finnish Climate Change Law; International, EU and Finnish Energy Law; Empirical Juridical Research, and Welfare Law.
In addition to the programmes taught in English, we also offer a variety of degree programmes taught in Finnish.
Degree programmes
The UEF Law School conducts high quality research in all represented disciplines. The Law School has a strong tradition of multidisciplinary research and wide cooperation with other fields of science. Research is continuously developed in order to create an even stronger national and international profile as a research unit.
Research at the UEF Law School places strong emphasis on international cooperation and networking. The following research areas are particularly emphasised as strengths of the Law School:
Our research groups
Contact information
Joensuu campus
Postal address
University of Eastern Finland
Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
UEF Law School
P.O. Box 111, FI-80101
Visiting address
Yliopistokatu 2, Aurora B, Joensuu
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