Welcome to the Center for Photonics Sciences website!

Center for Photonics Sciences combines all research and education in optics and photonics at the University of Eastern Finland. Our multidiscipline center is a unique collection of professionals in biology, chemistry, information technology, and physics, with the roots of photonics being the major research field in physics starting over 50 years ago, when the University of Joensuu was founded. Today Center for Photonics Sciences forms a world’s top-notch research environment.
Following university institutions are a part of Center for Photonics Sciences:
Department of Physics and Mathematics
School of Computing
Department of Chemistry
Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Center for Photonics Sciences is core for Photonics Research Community (RC) at UEF, which earned the highest scores in the International Evaluation of Research Activities at the University of Eastern Finland 2015-2018 and 2019-2022 which now belongs to the highest category of “International top-level research” in UEF Strategy 2030. Center for Photonics Sciences also belongs to the Photonics Research and Innovation (PREIN) Flagship and to the Finnish National Infrastructure for Light-Based Technologies (FinnLight).

UEF is also is a partner organization in unique operating environment for photonics industry (R&D&I), Photonics Center Ltd.

UEF is also is a partner organization in Photonics Joensuu consortium bringing together significant actors in the fields of research, development, education, business and innovation in the Joensuu region.

On this web site you will find information on photonics research, teaching from master’s studies to tailored trainings for continuous learning, services for companies and forms of cooperation, as well as information about Center for Photonics Sciences.
Center for Photonics Science in X
Center for Photonics Sciences in Facebook
Center for Photonics Sciences in LinkedIn
UEF main website contains also photonics related news.
Student stories: Master’s Degree Programme in Photonics
Link to contacts
About the Finnish texts in this site (in Finnish)
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Kaikkia verkkosivuston sivuja ei olla toteutettu suomeksi, koska monien teknisten termien kääntäminen olisi hankalaa. Mikäli kielenvalinta ei ole mahdollista, kyseinen sivu on vain englanniksi.