The Karelian Institute engages in basic and applied multidisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences. Within the framework of project activities, we support the supervision of postgraduate studies and researcher training, and participate in undergraduate teaching. Commissioned research related to the university's societal service mission is also carried out at the institute. The thematic areas in research are: Regional and Rural Studies, Ethnicity and Culture, and Borders and Russia. The Karelian Institute was founded in 1971.
Also part of the institute are Spatia Centre for Regional Research and VERA Centre for Russian and Border Studies.
Year of foundation
Research projects
At the Karelian Institute, research is conducted across three interrelated and multidisciplinary thematic research areas:
- Regional development and rural studies
- Ethnicity and culture
- Borders and Russia
The Institute provides a unique environment for creative research and doctoral training, thanks to its multidisciplinary structure and international orientation. Researchers at the Institute participate in national and international research networks, serve as experts in various projects and communities, and actively contribute to public discourse in their fields both nationally and internationally.
The Karelian Institute offers interdisciplinary doctoral training in Border Studies. The Institute’s training responds to contemporary challenges related to borders, regions and cultures and provides Doctoral students with tools to comprehend and analyse multifaceted processes of border-making and border-transcending. This involves the development of innovative research perspectives that emerge from and are supported by the Institute's three intertwined research areas. The doctoral training taking place at the Institute is part of the Doctoral Programme of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies.
Thematic research areas
Our research centres
News and events
Economy and Security Forum 2024
Border Lab Forum
Border October
Teaching and supervision
The research information produced at the Karelian Institute is applied in teaching and the supervision of theses and research in many study programmes offered at the University of Eastern Finland, particularly in the fields of sociology, social and public policy, geography, history, law, and in business studies and cultural studies. VERA Centre for Russian and Border Studies promotes the university’s teaching related to Russia and borders. The Karelian Institute offers doctoral students possibilities to participate in international and national research projects.
Our teaching activities are linked to the key areas of expertise and research themes of our staff. The latest research information and expertise are available for use in supervision and teaching. Maintaining a close connection to students nearing graduation and a link between education and research facilitate the Institute’s recruitment of motivated post-graduate students for various academic subjects and research projects.
Contact information
Heikki Eskelinen
Professori (emeritus)
Hankkeet ja julkaisut
Aluekehitys ja -suunnittelu (ml. ESPON-tutkimusohjelma), EU-integraatio ja raja-alueet
Aleksander Izotov
Hankkeet ja julkaisut
Paikallinen identiteetti, Sortavala
Lina Klymenko
Hankkeet ja julkaisut
Interpretive approaches to policy analysis, politics of memory and national identity, eastern European politics, teaching and learning political science
Pertti Rannikko
Professori, Emeritus
Hankkeet ja julkaisut
Luonnonvarojen paikallinen hallinta, kylätutkimus
Yury Shikalov
Hankkeet ja julkaisut
Suomen historia, perhehistoria, lapsuus ja koulut Venäjän Karjalassa, uskonnollinen elämä Karjalassa 1800-luvulla, Suomen sota, luovutetut suomalaiset alueet, Viipurin historia
Eero Vatanen
Hankkeet ja julkaisut
Taloudellisten ilmiöiden alue- ja paikallistaloudelliset vaikutukset ja kehitys
Joensuu campus
Postal address
University of Eastern Finland
Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
Karelian Institute
P.O. Box 111, FI-80101
Visiting address
Yliopistokatu 2, Aurora B, Joensuu