Open science and research have become an internationally significant method to promote the coverage and impact of science in the society. In addition to open access (OA), the openness of research refers to opening research data and methods. Research material is open when it can be utilised by everyone online. Digitalisation of research provides new possibilities for co-operation, communication and improving the visibility of scientific research. Openness increases opportunities to advance science and its methods, so responsible openness is a natural part of the research culture. Active presence online and in social media is essential in scientific communities.
Open science
- improves the accessibility of findings and the transparency of research
- speeds up innovations, corporate actions and collaboration
- saves resources and promotes sustainable development,
- promotes equality and equity,
- makes it possible to bring up new research questions
- helps to develop critical thinking and scientific literacy in the society
The purpose of scientific research is to produce new information for the society’s use, but for the time being, a great deal of research data is difficult to reach by the greater audience. Research studies, especially when funded with public financing, should mainly be open, unless there are, for instance, ethical or juridical reasons to not open certain phases or data of the research. Open research publications and data are increasing due to funder demand, the growing number of OA journals and the generalisation of other methods to support open access, such as publication archives. Openness offers opportunities but also requires researchers to develop new types of research information and process management skills, along with readiness to open their research work and its results.
National guidelines
- Business Finland's open science recommendation (2.2.2018)
- Declaration for open science and research, Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, Open Science National Coordination
- Policy for Open Scholarship
- Open science recommendation and checklist for research, development and innovation activities in collaboraiton between research organizations and companies
- Recommendation for citizen science
- The self-evaluation tool for culture of open scholarship services
- Good practice in researcher evaluation. Recommendation for the responsible evaluation of a researcher in Finland
- Open research data and methods. Policy components 1 (Open Access to Research Data) and 2 (Open Access to Research Methods and Infrastructures)
- Open access to scholarly publications. Policy component for open access to journal and conference articles
- Open education and educational resources. Policy components 1 (Open access to educational resources) and 2 (Open educational practices)
- Recommendations for Open education (Recommendations: on gaining merit in open education and open educational resources, Quality criteria for Open educational resources, Guidelines on the accessibility of open educational resources, Competence requirements for open education)
- Recommendation on copyright issues to be taken into consideration in the open publication of educational resources (see Appendix 1 in Policy for open educational resources. Policy component 1.)
- Policy for Open Scholarship
- Open Science, Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, Open Science National Coordination
- Open science: open access publishing and open data, Academy of Finland
International guidelines
The European Union's open science web page
The European Comission's online manual
The European Comission's Funding and Tenders Portal
Horizon Europe Programme Guide (p. 38)
Horizon Europe General Model Grant Agreement (article 17)
Horizon Europe Annotated Grant Agreement (pre-draft)
UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science
UNESCO Recommendation on Open Educational Resources
International agreements
Berlin Declaration was compiled in a conference organised by the Max Planck Society in October 2003. An international group of representatives from universities, research institutes and scientific publishers attended the conference. The Finnish Council of University Rectors has also signed the declaration. According to the Berlin Declaration, scientific knowledge spreads only partially, unless information is used and shared openly. Knowledge and cultural heritage produced by humankind needs to be distributed globally and freely online.
Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) is an international initiative that aims to promote open publishing of scientific publications and communication in different fields of science. BOAI focuses only on peer-reviewed data. The main principle is that the publications have to be openly accessible online. Open access publishing increases visibility, readership and impact of scientists and their work.
CoARA (Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment) is the group of signatories that will contribute to the implementation of the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment. This Agreement is published by Science Europe, representing European research funders, in July 2022.
Helsinki Initiative on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication aims to encourage the global scientific community to adopt an atmoshphere that values multilingual science communication and open access to scientific publications in all languages.
LERU Statement on Open Access to Research Publications contains the leading European scientific universities’ statement that promote open publishing.
LERU Statement on Open Research Data contains the leading European scientific universities’ statement that promote open research data.
Plan S is a project that started in September 2018 that promotes open access to research publications. The project is backed by cOAlition S, an international network of research funders.
SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Research Coalition) is a worldwide group of research institutes, scientific libraries and associations that promotes open accessibility of research knowledge and encourages alternative scientific publishing. SPARC Europe is its European branch. The University of Eastern Finland’s Library is involved in SPARC.
YERUN (Young European Research Universities) Open Science Strategic Actions