The University of Eastern Finland supports open publishing by
Open Access agreements
The corresponding UEF and KUH authors can publish their articles in Open Access free of charge or with discounted APCs in journals which are included in UEF’s Open Access agreements. You can use the Journal Search Tool to check if the journal is included in our agreements.
Below you can also see more detailed information, instructions and journal lists by publisher.
Open Access agreements, journal lists and instructions by publisher
- the agreement is valid 9.12.2022–1.12.2024
- the Author's Accepted Manuscript (AAM) versions of articles published behind a paywall can be self-archived immediately without an embrago period and with CC BY license
- the self-archiving benefit includes the following journals: Science, Science Signaling, Science Translational Medicine and Science Immunology
- also, researchers get a 15% discount when publishing in Science Advances
- the discount is applied after the article has been accepted for publication
- detailed instructions on how to apply for the APC discount (on FinELib pages)
Negotiations for the new agreement (2025-2027) are still unfinished. Articles accepted for publication from 1st January 2025 can however be published regularly.
- licensing agreement valid 2022-2024 (article is accepted between 1.7.2022–31.12.2024)
- agreement includes ACM journals, magazines and conference proceedings
- articles can be published open access for free, i.e. without the APC
- use your institutional (university’s or hospital’s) email address in the submitting process
- free of charge OA publishing is applied for when the article has been approved for publishing
- see the up-to-date list of titles and more detailed instructions on FinELib pages
- licensing agreement is valid 2024-2025 (article is accepted between 1.1.2024-31.12.2025)
- agreement includes hybrid and OA journals
- articles can be published open access free of charge
- the agreement includes the following article types: research articles, review articles, rapid communications, brief reports, case reports
- use your institutional email address in the submitting process
- Open Access publishing is chosen in the publishing agreement
- there is a limited amount of open access articles included into the license agreement annually
- list of journals applicable for publishing without an APC fee (2024)
- list of journals applicable for publishing without an APC fee (2025)
- instructions are available also on publisher's web pages
- licensing agreement valid 2022-2024 (article is accepted between 1.1.2022-31.12.2024)
- articles can be published open access free of charge
- free of charge OA publishing is applied for when the article has been approved for publishing
- there is a limited amount of open access articles included into the license agreement
- see the up-to-date list of journals and more detailed instructions on FinELib pages
- licensing agreement is valid in 2025 (article is accepted between 1.1.-31.12.2025)
- articles are published using CC BY license
- articles are published open access for free automatically (an institutional email address must be used in the submitting process)
- list of journals applicable for publishing without an APC fee (2025)
- the assumption is that you want to publish the article open access. If that is not the case, please complete the publication process and then contact the library where the open access publishing process will be stopped.
- licensing agreement valid 2024-2025 (article is accepted between 1.1.2024-31.12.2025)
- articles can be published open access free of charge in Elsevier hybrid journals and journals flipped from hybrid to gold open access
- articles can be published with 15 % discount of the journal’s APC in Elsevier gold open access journals
- see more detailed instructions on FinELib pages
- licensing agreement valid on 2024 (article is accepted between 1.1.-31.12.2024)
- articles can be published with a free open access using vouchers
- vouchers can be applied for when submitting the manuscript, and an institutional email address must be used in the submitting process
- includes hybrid journals and two OA journals (International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management and Mental Illness)
- see the up-to-date list of journals and more detailed instructions on FinELib pages
- licensing agreement valid 2024-2025 (article is accepted between 1.1.2024-31.12.2025)
- article can be published open access without article processing charge (APC)
- agreement covers IEEE’s hybrid journals and Full OA journals
- article must be peer-reviewed
- use an institutional email address in the submitting process
- there is a limited amount of free open access articles
- see the up-to-date list of journals and more detailed instructions on FinELib pages
- licensing agreement valid 2024-2026 (article is accepted between 1.1.2024-31.12.2026)
- articles can be published open access free of charge with a CC BY license
- list of journals included in the agreement
- article types included in the agreement: paper, special issue paper, review and/or letter. NB! For the journal Reports on Progress in Physics, only original research papers are included.
- the assumption is that you want to publish the article open access. If that is not the case, please notify the publisher in writing within five days of being notified of possibility to publish in open access.
- licensing agreement is valid in 2025 (article is submitted between 1.1.-31.12.2025)
- article can be published open access free of charge with a CC BY or CC BY-NC license
- please choose “Itä-Suomen yliopisto” or ”University of Eastern Finland” as your affiliation when submitting the manuscript
- list of journals included in the agreement
- articles will be published automatically in open access
- agreement is valid 2025-2027 (article is accepted for publication between 1.1.2025-31.12.2027)
- articles can be published open access free of charge
- when submitting the article, please select “Eligible” under the Open Access Agreements: Eligibility Declarations on Details tab of the publisher’s system and write “University of Eastern Finland” or “Kuopio University Hospital” in the field below that
- list of journals applicable for publishing without an APC fee
- detailed instructions on how to submit your article and choose the Open Access Agreement
- 10 per cent discount on APC list prices (the APC rate varies between journals)
- 15 per cent discount on language editing services
- all included journals are OA journals
- the discounted APC rate is applied for when submitting the manuscript for the publisher in the Submission System, and this demands using either a UEF or a KUH e-mail address
- Article Processing Charges for journals (undiscounted rates)
- licensing agreement valid 1.1.2025–31.12.2026 (article is accepted during the agreement term).
- articles are published open access for free, i.e. without the APC
- includes hybrid journals only
- there is a limited amount of open access articles included into the license agreement
- once your article has been accepted for publication, you will receive a link to Springer’s My Publication system where you choose the UEF affiliation.
- the assumption is that you want to publish the article open access. If that is not the case, please complete the My Publication process and then contact the library where the open access publishing process will be stopped.
- see the up-to-date list of journals, eligible article types and more detailed instructions on FinELib pages
- licensing agreement valid 2024-2025 (article has been received into production during 1.1.2024-31.12.2025)
- articles can be published open access free of charge in OUP's hybrid journals
- articles can be published with a 15 % discount on APCs in OUP’s fully OA journals
- for peer-reviewed articles only
- use an institutional email address in the submitting process
- see the up-to-date list of journals and more detailed instructions (on FinELib pages)
- detailed instructions on how to publish an open access article (on OUP pages)
- licensing agreement valid 2024-2025 (article is accepted between 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2025)
- articles are published open access for free, i.e. without the APC in RSC's full OA and hybrid journals
- those entitled to the discount are identified by the institutional (university’s or hospital’s) email address so it must be used in the submitting process
- see the up-to-date list of journals and more detailed instructions on FinELib pages
- agreement valid between 1.2.2024 – 31.1.2025
- 25 per cent discount on APCs
- includes all the Royal Society's hybrid and full OA journals
- use an institutional email address in the submitting process
Free of charge open access publishing will continue normally as of 1 January 2025. The journal list is still unconfirmed.
- licensing agreement valid 2023-2024 (article is accepted between 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2024)
- article can be published for free of charge in SAGE’s hybrid journals
- article can be published with a 20% discount on APCs in SAGE’s Gold OA journals
- the APC benefit is applied for when the article has been approved for publishing
- see the up-to-date lists of journals and more detailed instructions on FinELib pages
- licensing agreement valid 1.1.2024-31.12.2025 (article is accepted during the agreement term).
- articles are published open access for free, i.e. without the APC
- once your article has been accepted for publication, you will receive a link to Springer’s My Publication system where you choose the UEF affiliation.
- includes only hybrid journals
- see the up-to-date list of journals and more detailed instructions on FinELib pages
- the assumption is that you want to publish the article open access. If that is not the case, please complete the My Publication process and then contact the library where the open access publishing process will be stopped.
- licensing agreement valid 2025-2026 (article is accepted between 1.1.2025-31.12.2026)
- articles can be published open access free of charge
- includes Open Select hybrid journals in Social Sciences & Humanities and Science & Technology fields and the OA journal Annals of Medicine
- free of charge OA publishing is applied for when the article has been approved for publishing
- to make use of the benefit, please select "Itä-Suomen yliopisto" without more detailed campus, department or faculty information as your organization in Taylor & Francis' system
- there is a limited amount of open access articles included into the license agreement annually (when the limit has been reached, authors can either finance the open access publication themselves or publish the article behind a paywall)
- see the up-to-date list of journals and more detailed instructions on FinELib pages
Instructions to OA publishing in Wiley journals in the early part of 2025:
Due to unfinished negotiations the articles in the early part of 2025 will be published open access retrospectively. For hybrid journals the articles that are accepted for publication from 1st January 2025 are eligible. For Full OA journals the articles that are submitted from 1st January 2025 are eligible.
To ensure that your article will be published OA retrospectively, follow these instructions:
Full OA articles: Submit the article to Wiley’s Full OA journal – Choose Author pays option – If you receive an invoice, do not pay that.
Hybrid articles: You receive confirmation that your article has been accepted for publication – Select option publishing behind paywall (do not choose OA option) - If you receive an invoice, do not pay that.
- licensing agreement valid 2023-2024 (article is accepted between 1.1.2023–31.12.2024)
- articles are published open access for free, i.e. without the APC; the type of your article either primary research article or review article
- agreement covers Wiley’s Full OA journals and hybrid journals
- OA benefit is applied when the article has been approved for publishing (applies to both hybrid and Full OA journals)
- there is a limited amount of open access articles included into the license agreement annually
- see the up-to-date list of journals and more detailed instructions (on FinELib pages)
- detailed instructions on how to publish an open access article (on Wiley pages)
Free of charge open access publishing will continue normally as of 1 January 2025. The journal list is still unconfirmed.
- licensing agreement valid 2023-2024 (article is accepted between 31.12.2022-31.12.2024)
- articles can be published open access for free, i.e. without the APC
- when submitting your manuscript, select your institution name and insert your institutional email address in the system (if it's not already there). Choose open access option by selecting "Yes" in the questionnaire.
- free of charge OA publishing is applied for when the article has been approved for publishing
- there is a limited amount of open access articles included into the license agreement. If all of them have been published under agreement by the time your article is accepted, you will need to cover the costs of open access publishing yourself.
- includes both hybrid journals and OA journals
- see the up-to-date list of journals and more detailed instructions (on FinELib pages)
Paying the article processing charges from the university’s basic funding
UEF provides financial support for Open Access publishing in cases where the funder does not accept publishing fees as eligible project costs. The costs of Open Access publishing must be included in the funding application and the project’s budget must be used to cover these costs whenever the funder permits this. The units are responsible for the payment of the financial support in accordance with the faculty’s practices. (Rector’s decision no. 13/2021, UEF dno. 247/02.02/2021)
Please check your faculty’s APC practices from your unit.
Open science infrastructures supported by the University of Eastern Finland
University of Eastern Finland supports Open Access publishing models and initiatives to promote Open Access publishing. The work is coordinated by the library.
ArXiv is an open access preprint repository for, i.a., physics, mathematics, and computer science. UEF is funding the service through the FinELib consortium.
DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books) is a digital directory of peer-reviewed Open Access books and Open Access book publishers.
OAPEN Library (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) is a repository of freely accessible academic books.
UEF is funding these services through the FinELib consortium.
DOAJ is a comprehensive directory of international open access scientific journals available online. UEF is funding the service through the FinELib consortium.
DSpace is one of the most widely adopted open-source repository software in the world for managing research and scholarly materials across all disciplines, and cultural heritage materials of all types, with a focus on open access, preservation, and storage. UEF is a funding member of the service through the FinELib consortium.
Knowledge Unlatched (KU) is a project that publishes open access books with the help of funds from the library consortium. KU does not charge article processing charges.
UEF supports the publication of the Language Science Press book collection within the KU consortium. In 2021–2023, the Language Science Press will publish 30 open access books each year.
UEF is part of the OA publisher MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) membership programme. The membership grants researchers from the University of Eastern Finland a 10% discount on APC fees.
Open Book Publishers (OBP) is an independent academic publisher. Members of our university community are granted the following benefits, among others:
- discounts on printed books
- customised editions
- free-of-charge use of all e-versions of the books
- book downloads without being prompted to donate
Open Knowledge Maps is open, AI-based visual search interface that provides an instant overview of a topic by showing the main areas at a glance, and papers related to each area. Results are based on the one hudred most relevant documents, which is intended to give a head start on literature search. The service is funded with organisational membership fees.
Open Library of Humanities (OLH) is a non-profit academic publisher publishing OA journals. OLH does not charge any article processing charges, but publishing is funded through consortium membership fees.
PKP (Public Knowledge Project) is a multi-university initiative developing (free) open source software and conducting research to improve the quality and reach of scholarly publishing. UEF is funding the service through the FinELib consortium.
Sherpa / Romeo service contains publishers’ OA policies by journal (what may be recorded in publication archives, what are the authors’ rights). UEF is funding the service through the FinELib consortium.
SPARC Europe is an alliance of European research institutions and libraries. It aims at promoting competition in the publishing industry and encouraging the emergence of new cost models (e.g. Open Access). UEF is funding the service through the FinELib consortium.
Verfassungsblog - On Matters Constitutional is an open, peer-reviewed legal discourse platform. The blog is funded e.g. with organisational membership fees.
For more information
Questions related to APC fees and benefits: please contact
Questions related to invoices and payments: please contact the faculty’s financial services or the financial secretaries of the department/unit.