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Infrastructure of Chemistry and Sustainable Technology Department´s Profile image

Infrastructure of Chemistry and Sustainable Technology Department

Research group
01.01.2010 -
Department of Chemistry and Sustainable Technology, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology

Department of Chemistry and Sustainable Technology conducts commissioned research for entities outside the university. The commissioned research is confidential and subject to secrecy. New research openings related to commissioned research and collaborative projects should be agreed with the responsible professors of the Department of Chemistry and Sustainable Technology:

Materials Chemistry: prof. Mika Suvanto, prof. Jarkko J. Saarinen and prof. Olli Sippula
Organic Chemistry: prof. Janne Jänis and prof. Juha Rouvinen
Inorganic Chemistry: prof. Igor Koshevoy
Physical chemistry: prof. Mikko Linnolahti
Sustainable Technologies: prof. Antti Haapala

In case of analysis services of

mass spectrometry, take contact to prof. Janne Jänis

other equipment, take contact to senior laboratory manager Sari Suvanto


Our staff members will conduct measurements, or according to an agreement, train for use of equipment. In our pricing, we follow the University of Eastern Finland’s official price lists, which are checked annually.


Research equipment

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