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Research and researcher visibility


In Finland, ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is recommended to be used as a national researcher identifier. The international ORCID researcher identifier offers a researcher to have a permanent and personal digital identifier. The identifier clears confusions related to name changes, researchers with the same name or different name spelling, among others. UEF is an ORCID member organisation.

In the ORCID service, researchers can maintain their publication index and link publication information from different databases. In addition, publication information can be imported to ORCID  e.g. from Google Scholar  or reference management programs (Mendeley, RefWorks) as BibTex files. Adding information is also possible by using DOI or manually.

Thanks to an identifier, research findings are linked to each other, and eventually the need to enter personal or publication information for several times into different systems decreases.

Creating your profile requires registration into the ORCID service. In addition to publications, you can update your education, employment and funding information, thus making ORCID work as a researcher's CV. Many publishers require using an ORCID identifier when submitting a manuscript. The identifier can also be utilised when performing information retrieval in Scopus and Web of Science databases.

Displaying ORCID Identifiers in UEF CRIS (UEF Intranet; requires UEF credentials)

More information about the ORCID researcher identifier: and

Academic networking can play a crucial role in young researchers’ careers, both on a social and professional level. There are cases in which willingness to build professional networks in international contexts leads to long-term collaboration.

Donatella Camedda, Ashling Ryan-Mangan, Ana Mirman-Flores

University of Edinburgh, Trinity College Dublin, University of Seville

ORCID consortium member organization

See also

Courses and training provided by UEF Library