The Joensuu Campus Library has several special collections. They mainly comprise of material related to humanities and theology, and the most remarkable ones are the extensive collection of Finnish editions and translations of Kalevala and the collection of Karelia material.
Some of the special collections have been catalogued into the UEF Primo database. The collections are mainly for reading room use inside the library facilities.
Special collections
The professor of the universities of Helsinki and Tartu, historian A. R. Cederberg’s (1885–1948) book collection is focused on the history of the countries in the Baltic region. The collection was donated originally to the Historical-Linguistic Library of the University of Helsinki in 1948, from where it was signed over to the University of Joensuu Library in 1995. The collection is located in the Joensuu Campus Library’s Avola storage room and it is meant for reading room use. The books are currently being catalogued into the UEF Primo database.
The collection gathered by academician Martti Haavio (1899–1973) contains literature from the fields of folklore and folkloristics. The collection was donated to the University of Joensuu Library by the heirs of Martti Haavio and his second wife, academician Aale Tynni-Haavio in the year 1998. The books have been catalogued into the UEF Primo database and they are located in the Siimes storage. The collection’s oldest literature is located in the Tomula storage room. The material is available for reading room use.
The collection located in the Joensuu Campus Library consists of Kalevala titles and studies regarding Kalevala and is one of the most complete ones of its kind in Finland. It contains approximately 600 different versions of Kalevala in about fifty different languages. It is based on the rudimentary collection of Kalevala titles, gathered by lecturer Aarre Vuorjoki and indexed into a print catalogue. The entire Kalevala collection has been catalogued into the UEF Primo database, and it is continuously complemented with donations and purchases. The collection is for reading room use.
The collection of Karelia-themed literature is based on the book donation by Karjalaisen Kulttuurin Edistämissäätiö (a foundation to promote Karelian culture), and it contains also Iivo Härkönen’s collection of material regarding Karelia. The collection comprises mainly research and memoir literature and prose literature regarding the Karelia region outside the Finnish borders, and it is extended continuously – all the essential new Karelia-themed literature is intended to be acquired for the collection.
The material has been catalogued into the UEF Primo database and is for regular library use.
The University of Joensuu received Chancellor Paavo Ravila’s (1902–1974) book collection in 1974. The collection mainly includes literature concerning linguistics and literary studies, focusing on the research of Finno-Ugric languages. The collection has been catalogued into the UEF Primo database and is available for reading room use.
Finland’s Orthodox church board presented the University of Joensuu Library with the collection to be preserved and used in 1993. It includes Orthodox theological literature and general literature. The older material is mostly written in Church Slavonic and Russian, while the newer material is in Finnish, English and other languages. For the main part, the collection has been catalogued into the UEF Primo database. The collection and its card index are located in Siimes. The material is available for reading room use.
The collection was received as a donation from a former seminary in Kuopio. It contains literature of theology and other fields of science, mostly written in Finnish. A part of the collection remains uncatalogued in the Siimes storage of the Joensuu Campus Library (card index of the collection is in the Liukula storage). The theological part has been incorporated into the library’s collections and catalogued into the UEF Primo database. The material is for regular library use.
This collection was formed by transferring books from different instances, such as the book collections of Siikasalmi School of Agriculture, donations of Bishop Aleksi and the old study materials of the UEF Library’s own collections. All of the material has been printed before the year 1981. The collection has been catalogued into the UEF Primo database and is for regular library use.
The Tomula storage room of the Joensuu Campus Library contains collections of old books printed before the year 1900, along with plenty of old prose literature. The collections are extended through transfers and donations. For instance, some of the literature has been received as donations through appeals to establish the University of Joensuu Library and to extend its collections. The collections are catalogued into the UEF Primo database and are available for reading room use.
EU collection
European Documentation Centres (EDC) store publications of the European Union. The Joensuu campus library of the University of Eastern Finland Library has functioned as an EDC since 1984. These Documentation Centres are placed in the vicinity of universities and other higher education institutions to support study and research on European integration and to raise awareness of the European Union’s policies among citizens. The collections and information services of the EDCs are available for all citizens. The materials for the Centres are provided free of charge by the Publications Office of the European Union (OP) in Luxemburg. There are currently seven EDCs in Finland.
The printed EU collection has seen significantly less use starting from the 2010’s, and the number of free copies sent by the Publications Office has also decreased. These days, all publications of the European Union can be freely accessed online as PDF versions (see the section on Publications Office of the European Union below). Therefore, the separate printed EU collection was abandoned and the most used items in the collection were merged with the library's other collections. This will also apply to the free copies sent by the Publications Office that have been useful for the library’s collections.
The periodical publications (P E J) of the EU collection can be found in shelves 86-87 of the campus library’s first floor storeroom (Liukula).
The official journal of the European Union is published five days a week in all official EU languages. The journal is comprised of three serials and associated directories. The L (= Legislation) and C (= Courts) series in their entirety are freely available in the EUR-Lex database (also in Finnish since Finland's accession to the EU in 1995). The S (= Supplement) series can be found in the TED database.
As a general rule, all publications and databases of the European Union are freely accessible via the Internet, in most cases also in Finnish.
EU News and events is the news service of the EU.
CORDIS provides information on the EU’s research activities and their funding.
CURIA contains the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union since 1954 (court case collection on personnel matters since 1994).
Publications Office of the European Union is an online service that enables ordering publications from the EU institutions, agencies and other bodies published by the Publications Office. Publications can also be downloaded as PDF files free of charge. The massive digital library contains all the publications of the EU institutions, agencies and other bodies published by the Publications Office since 1952. The collection covers more than 110,000 publications and more than 14 million scanned pages. It is recommended to search first in English (or French or German), and to look for possible translations into other languages after retrieving the initial results.
The EUR-Lex Portal covers the following areas: the official journal of the European communities in its entirety, the founding treaties, international agreements, legislation in force, consolidated texts, preparatory documents, case law, and questions from the Parliament. The Official Journal can be read in each country’s official language starting from the country’s accession to the Union: from 1952 only in German, French, Italian and Dutch, from 1973 also in English, and in Finnish from 1995, for example.
Europa – Gateway to the European Union is a vast and versatile service run by the European Union. While it remains the main source of information on the EU, it is somewhat difficult to use. All other links presented here can also be found on the Europa portal.
Eurostat is the main source of statistical information on the European Union.
The TED database contains the S series of the European Union’s official journal.
- Catalogue of microfilms received by the history department of the University of Joensuu from the National Archives of Sweden
- Catalogue of microfilms received by the history department of the University of Joensuu from the National Archives of Finland
- Archives of the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission
- Newspapers and magazines
- Miscellaneous
- Kaiserliches Gouvernment Zentralbureau Windhoek
- African resources
- African resources
- African resources
- Tanganyika Notes and Records
- World Microfilm Publication in association with The Labour Research Department
- British Labour History Ephemera 1880-1900