The e-resources are protected by the Finnish Copyright Act. The University of Eastern Finland Library and the KUH Medical Library have acquired access to electronic publications and databases through various licence agreements. You find the licensed e-resources from the UEF Primo. In addition, you also find a variety of open access resources in the UEF Primo. Most of the licensed e-resources are available to all within the University of Eastern Finland network. In practice, this means that the library users who do not have the UEF username and password can access the licensed e-resources only on the computers in the campus libraries. The KUH staff members can access the e-resources within the KUH network.
The following user groups can access the licensed e-resources outside the university network via a remote access connection and the UEF Primo:
- UEF staff members
- UEF degree and postgraduate students (incl. students registered as being absent)
- UEF Open University students
- so-called cross-institutional students (students studying at the University of Eastern Finland through cooperation agreements between institutions)
- UEF MBA students
- UEF Psychotherapist Training students
- UEF specialisation studies students
- UEF students with the right to study individual courses (incl. students with alumni study right)
- KUH staff members
The KUH staff members who are not also students or staff of the university (and therefore do not have a UEF username) can receive separate remote access rights by visiting the KUH Medical Library.
The rights to access the resources remotely are valid for the duration of the studies or employment. A person comparable to a staff member may be granted remote access rights to e-resources by decision of the director of the unit or department. If there is a need for such remote access rights, please contact the human resources secretary of your unit or department.
UEF usernames are administrated by the university's Digital Services.
Conditions of use for e-resources
The resources may be used for non-commercial academic purposes such as teaching, research and studying. The use of the resources in teaching and learning environments is specified separately in the respective terms of use. The misuse of e-resources may cause a temporary loss of usage rights.
Conditions of use for e-resources
- browse the resources and make searches
- view the resources infinitely on a computer or a mobile device screen
- print your search results on paper or save them on a file in moderate amounts for your own non-commercial study or research purposes
- print on paper or save on a file individual articles or parts of e-books in moderate amounts
- send electronic or print copies of individual articles to another person's personal use in the name of academic cooperation
- use the resources or parts of them for commercial purposes
- distribute, sell or modify the materials, make spin-off copies or provide access to persons who are not entitled to use the materials
- remove or change the name of the author or the publisher's copyright information or other identification information or prohibitions
- use data-mining software
- copy or print the materials on paper systematically or republish the materials in another format
- systematically save large amounts of information (such as complete issues or volumes of a journal) on your personal computer or upload them on, for example, your personal website
- use the resources or parts of them in combination with an artificial intelligence tool
You find all the e-books acquired to the library’s collections from the UEF Primo. A majority of the e-books can be accessed by multiple concurrent users, but the access to some of the e-books is more restricted. Some of the books can be read in a web browser while others require a separate reader software. Other terms of use (e.g. printing, saving, copying, possible user limitations) vary between different e-book providers.