Kuopion yliopistosäätiö, Antti ja Tyyne Soinisen säätiö sekä Helena Vuorenmiehen säätiö ovat jakaneet vuoden 2022 apurahat. Apurahojen jakotilaisuus pidettiin Kuopion kampuksen Snellmanian monitilatoimistossa tiistaina 20.12.2022.

Säätiöiden asiamies Petri Rintamäki (vasemmalla) ja rehtori Jukka Mönkkönen (oikealla) jakoivat apurahat saajille 20. joulukuuta.
Kuopion yliopistosäätiön apurahan saajat:
- MSc Anusha Balla, School of Pharmacy, Novel approaches for the treatment of anterior segment eye disease: understanding the drug distribution and prolonged retention on the ocular surface, 2000 e.
- MSc Haleh Esmaili, Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, The serum n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrations and cardiac functions, 2000 e.
- MSc Maria Gotkiewicz, A.I.Virtanen Insitute for Molecular Sciences, Connection between metabolic syndrome and synaptic loss in early Alzheimer’s Disease, 3000 e.
- Doctoral Researcher Farahani Hadi, Social Sciences, Recontextualizing well-being and mental health services: Narratives of Afghans from a refugee background living in Finland, 2000 e.
- MSc Nadine Huber, A.I.Virtanen Insitute for Molecular Sciences, Molecular mechanisms of synaptic dysfunction in frontotemporal dementia, 2000 e.
- MSc Sara Häkli, A.I.Virtanen Insitute for Molecular Sciences, Effect of sleep-related epileptic spiking on memory consolidation in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, 3000 e.
- MSc Iswariyaraj Sridevi, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Investigating the role of mitophagy activity and inflammation in the pathogenesis of Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), 2000 e.
- Doctoral Researcher Kirsi Kainulainen, Institute of Biomedicine, Pro-inflammatoristen makrofagien rooli syövän etenemisessä, 23100 e.
- Early Stage Researcher Eero Koponen, Department of Applied Physics, Synteettinen schlierentomografia ultraäänikenttien mittaamiseen, 2000 e.
- Early Stage Researcher Johanna Koskivuori, School of Pharmacy, Massaspektrometrian hyödyntäminen odottavien äitien ja vastasyntyneiden terveyden tutkimuksessa, 2000 e.
- Early Stage Researcher Mari Lahnalampi, Institute of Biomedicine, Characterizing Altered Transcriptional regulation in acute leukemia in context of the developmental program, 6900 e.
- Doctoral Researcher Rana Mabrouk, A.I.Virtanen Insitute for Molecular Sciences, Initial Steps of Amyloid Pathology in Alzheimer’s Disease, 2000 e.
- LL Paavo Paajanen, Doctoral Programme of Clinical Research, Potilasvalinnan optimointi vatsa-aortan aneurysman hoidossa, 3000 e.
- MSc Liudmila Saveleva, A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, Targeting adverse effects of air pollution on brain health, 2000 e.
- MSc Flavia Scoyni, A.I.Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, Identify and target non-coding RNAs (ncRNA) network involved in ischemic stroke outcome to develop novel powerful but specific, broad spectrum therapeutic approaches. (Molecular Biology), 2000 e.
- Ph.D. Hasan Sohail, Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Time-series analyses on the associations between temperature and health outcomes, 2000 e.
Antti ja Tyyne Soinisen säätiön apurahan saajat:
- LL Ossi Hannula, Faculty of Health Sciences, Vierikaikukuvaus Suomessa, 5000 e.
- LL Tiina Komulainen, KYS, Ohimenevän aivoverenkiertohäiriön ilmaantuvuus, erotusdiagnostiikka ja ennuste, 5000 e.
- MSc Pierre Moreau, A.I.Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, Dissecting the non-coding RNA expression in the cellular compartments of HUVEC in hypoxia, 6000 e.
- LL Paavo Paajanen, Doctoral Programme of Clinical Research, Potilasvalinnan optimointi vatsa-aortan aneurysman hoidossa, 4000 e.
- MSc Flavia Scoyni, A.I.Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, Identify and target non-coding RNAs (ncRNA) network involved in ischemic stroke outcome to develop novel powerful but specific, broad spectrum therapeutic approaches. (Molecular Biology), 5000 e.
Helena Vuorenmiehen säätiön apurahan saaja:
- MSc Karoliina Kurkinen, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Elimistön aineenvaihdunnalliset muutokset psykiatrisissa sairauksissa nuorilla avohoitopotilailla, 2000 e.
Petri Rintamäki, säätiöiden asiamies, varatuomari, petri.rintamaki@uef.fi, p. 050 5759957.