Sigrid Juséliuksen Säätiö on myöntänyt Itä-Suomen yliopiston tutkijoille vuoden 2025 apurahoja kaikkiaan yli 2 miljoonaa euroa. Vuoden 2025 apurahansaajat julkistettiin 13. maaliskuuta.
Sigrid Juséliuksen Säätiö on Suomen suurin yksityinen lääketieteellisen tutkimuksen tukija. Säätiön ydintehtävä on ihmiskunnalle suurta tuhoa tuottavien tautien vastustaminen lääketieteellistä tutkimusta tukemalla.
Apurahansaajat ja rahoitetut hankkeet Itä-Suomen yliopistossa
- Apulaisprofessori Isaac Afara, Develpment and validation of a photonics-based point-of-care tool for assessment of tendon health: Hercules, 55 000 €
- Apulaisprofessori Ahmed Al-Samadi, Identifying the immune landscape of head and cancer and enhancing the efficacy of immunotherapy by applying a personalized drug testing approach, 50 000 €
- Professori Annakaisa Haapasalo, Synaptic dysfunction in frontotemporal dementia – molecular mechanisms and biomarkers, 65 000 €
- Professori Merja Heinäniemi ja Olli Lohi, Molecular fingerprints for drug targeting in pediatric and young adult lymphoblastic leukemia, 85 000 €
- Professori Mikko Hiltunen, Immunometabolic mechanisms of novel Alzheimer’s disease-associated genetic variants, 90 000 €
- Apulaisprofessori Kristiina Huttunen, Innovative and Proactive Solution For Better Brain Health, 65 000 €
- Professori Kai Kaarniranta, Autophagy multiomics in age-related macular degeneration, 70 000 €
- Professori Minna Kaikkonen-Määttä, Single cell guided polygenic risk prediction of ASCVD, 85 000 €
- Professori Katja Kanninen, Olfactory epithelial barrier integrity in Alzheimer's disease, 70 000 €
- Tutkimusjohtaja Kirsi Ketola, PRC2.2 complex regulators in treatment-induced lineage plasticity and therapy resistance in prostate cancer, 65 000 €
- Professori Tuure Kinnunen, Longitudinal analyses of immune changes leading to the development of type 1 diabetes, 75 000 €
- Professori Rami Korhonen, Tailored rehabilitation and medication planning for osteoarthritis, 80 000 €
- Professori Markku Laakso, Molecular and metabolic mechanisms in type 2 diabetes, 95 000 €
- Tutkimusjohtaja Sarka Lehtonen, The role of human microglia in spread of alpha-synuclein pathology in Parkinson’s disease, 60 000 €
- Akatemiatutkija Henri Leinonen, Investigation of neural plasticity in the visual system´s first synapse, its effects on vision, and therapeutic opportunities, 50 000 €
- Professori Anna-Liisa Levonen-Harju, Therapeutic targeting of the transcription factor NRF2 in lung cancer, 85 000 €
- Yliopistotutkija Jani Liimatta, Adipose tissue function in childhood: Changes in obesity and connections to adrenocortical activity and steroid metabolism, 50 000 €
- Yliopistotutkija Suvi Linna-Kuosmanen, Piece of Heart - The effects of plastic particles in the human heart, 50 000 €
- Professorit Tarja Malm ja Ville Leinonen, Biological basis of memory: How early AD-related pathology impairs synaptic plasticity in humans, 75 000 €
- Professori Ville Männistö, Kuopio Liver Study – Risk factors and prognosis of steatotic liver disease, 50 000 €
- Akatemiatutkija Ville Paakinaho, Transcription factor cooperation defines the fundamental role of the glucocorticoid receptor in the prostate, 65 000 €
- Professori Asla Pitkänen, From Reactive to Proactive Treatment of Epilepsy – EEG biomarkers and systems-biology derived “rational polytherapy” for antiepileptogenesis after TBI, 86 000 €
- Apulaisprofessori Eino Solje, Towards improved diagnostics and management of frontotemporal dementia, 55 000 €
- Professori Pasi Tavi, Identification and targeting of the aberrant transcriptional activity in cardiovascular diseases, 80 000 €
- Professorit Jussi Tohka ja Reetta Kälviäinen, EIDRE: Epibiomarker study on early identification of drug-resistant epilepsies, 65 000 €
- Professori Juha Töyräs, Deep Learning And Physiology-Based Approach to Derive And Link Obstructive Sleep Apnea Phenotypes And Symptomology, 70 000 €
- Professori Arto Urtti, Site-Specific and Long-Acting Drug Delivery Technology for Anti-VEGF Treatments of Retina and Choroid, 70 000 €
- Professori Seppo Ylä-Herttuala, Novel Gene Correction and Gene Therapy for the Treatment of Heart Failure and Chronic Ischemia, 129 000 €
Tutkijoiden yhteystiedot: UEF Connect
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