Basic Concepts of Criminal Law, lv. 2024-2025
- Laajuus:
- 5 opintopistettä
- Kampus tai kaupunki:
- Joensuu
- Kategoria:
- Juridiikka ja yhteiskunta
- Toteutusmuoto:
- Verkko-opetus, Etäopetus, Lähiopetus
- Hinta:
- 100 € (alv 0%)

The course focuses on the general principles and policies of criminal law, the range of criminal law, and the contours of criminal liability. On a more specific level, the course familiarizes the student with the general and substantive English criminal law and the common law tradition.
More information in course catalogue. Please, check timetables before registration and payment.
The student will
- Know the basic principles of English criminal law and the peculiarities of the common law system.
- Recognise how and to what extent general principles and policies of criminal law differ between the common law system and the civil law system.
- Know how to approach and analyse English criminal law cases.
- Identify how the common law tradition and English criminal law have influenced international criminal law.
Study methods The course has two alternative modes of study.
Mode of Study 1: The course is organized as seminar, consisting of 4 hours of mandatory introductory lecture and 8 hours of final seminar. During the seminar, students will write a brief research paper (approx. 3000–4000 words) on a research topic given by the lecturer. Moreover, students will give a presentation on their research paper and examine other student’s paper as an opponent during the seminar. The seminar will be organised in the Fall semester.
Mode of Study 2: Students take the written exam, which is based on independent study. The written examination can be taken in Finnish or in English through the e-platform. The exam may be taken four times during the academic year (twice in the Autumn semester and twice in the Spring semester).
Open University students registration to exam or seminar (after payment): choose exam date/seminar and then send email at the latest 10 days before exam/14 days before seminar and we add your registration to Peppi.
Register for individual study units. Study units cost 20 e / credit. This price holds for the academic year 2024–2025.
Tutustu avoimen yliopisto-opetuksen opintomaksuihin sekä maksu- ja perumisehtoihin: Opinto-oikeus ja maksuehdot. Opiskeluoikeus päättyy aina lukuvuoden päättyessä viimeistään heinäkuun lopulla.
Kirjallisuuden hankinta/lainauskulut eivät sisälly opintomaksuun.
Jos työnantaja maksaa opintomaksun, ota yhteyttä koulutussihteeriin; katso yhteystiedot alla.