European Environmental Law, syksy 2024
- Laajuus:
- 5 opintopistettä
- Kampus tai kaupunki:
- Joensuu
- Kategoria:
- Juridiikka ja yhteiskunta
- Toteutusmuoto:
- Lähiopetus
- Hinta:
- 100 € (alv 0%)

The course provides for a thorough introduction to European environmental law. The focus of the course is on the general framework of European environmental law with substantive examples.
More information in course catalogue. Please, check timetables before registration and payment.
The objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the fundamentals of European environmental law. After successful completion of the course, students will:
- Know the fundamental elements of European environmental law
- Identify key legal actors and legal instruments of European environmental law
- Understand the key regulatory framework in place to implement the environmental aims of the EU
- Identify the main regulatory challenges for EU environmental law from an international and national and perspective
- Understand the multi-level system of environmental governance that involves the EU, its Member States and international environmental law
- Recognise the key legal concepts of European environmental law and apply the concepts in their further studies
Suoritustavat ja arviointiperusteet
The course has an eLearn Moodle platform. Course name: (5311737) European Environmental Law. Note that the course in eLearn Moodle will be opened only approximately one week before the lectures.
Course key: EUenvLAW
The course will be taught through a combination of interactive lectures and assignments. There are compulsory lectures with interactive exercises and an eLearn Moodle exam. The interactive exercises during course are also compulsory. The interactive exercises are given during the lectures and instructed via the Moodle page. The course requires active self-study and reading (before, during and after the course). Students need to be prepared to work between the lectures on group assignments. The exam is based on the mandatory course readings.
The course takes place in the autumn semester. The exam can taken two times during the academic year.
Academic year 2024-2025 eLearn Moodle Exam dates: 9.12.2024, 10.2.2025
Open University students registration to exam or seminar: choose exam date/seminar/lectures and then send email at the latest 10 days before exam/14 days before seminar and we add your registration to Peppi.
Register for individual study units. Study units cost 20 e / credit. This price holds for the academic year 2024–2025.
Tutustu avoimen yliopisto-opetuksen opintomaksuihin sekä maksu- ja perumisehtoihin: Opinto-oikeus ja maksuehdot. Opiskeluoikeus päättyy aina lukuvuoden päättyessä viimeistään heinäkuun lopulla.
Kirjallisuuden hankinta/lainauskulut eivät sisälly opintomaksuun.
Jos työnantaja maksaa opintomaksun, ota yhteyttä koulutussihteeriin; katso yhteystiedot alla.
The course is taught fully in English.