International Energy Law and Policy, lv. 2024-2025
- Laajuus:
- 5 opintopistettä
- Kampus tai kaupunki:
- Joensuu
- Kategoria:
- Juridiikka ja yhteiskunta
- Toteutusmuoto:
- Itsenäinen opiskelu, Lähiopetus, Etäopetus
- Hinta:
- 100 € (alv 0%)

Regulatory and legal aspects of international energy markets, trade in energy, disputes in the energy sector.
More information in course catalogue. Please, check timetables before registration and payment.
Learning outcomes
The focus of the course is on international energy law. The course follows the energy value chain from exploration and production, to transportation and trade in energy before providing an overview of downstream regulation of energy products. The focus of the course is on oil, gas and power. Finally, the course will also examine dispute resolution in energy and resources. The student will have a solid understanding of the most central aspects of international energy law.
Modes of study
Alternative 1: Lectures (20 hours, voluntary), essay (academic essay of between 1200-1400 words, excluding footnotes, compulsory) on a topic given by the lecturer (20%) and written examination (80%).
Alternative 2: Lectures (20 hours, voluntary), essay (academic essay of between 6000-7000 words, excluding footnotes, compulsory) on a topic chosen by student and approved by the lecturer (100%).
The language of instruction is English.
It is to be recommended that the students know the foundations of the international law before attending the course.
Open University students registration to exam or lectures:
For General Exams, students are required to register on Forms (10 days before Exam):
Registration time/lectures 01.12.2024 08:00 - 13.03.2025 23:59: send email and we add your registration to Peppi.
Register for individual study units. Study units cost 20 e / credit. This price holds for the academic year 2024–2025.
Tutustu avoimen yliopisto-opetuksen opintomaksuihin sekä maksu- ja perumisehtoihin: Opinto-oikeus ja maksuehdot. Opiskeluoikeus päättyy aina lukuvuoden päättyessä viimeistään heinäkuun lopulla.
Kirjallisuuden hankinta/lainauskulut eivät sisälly opintomaksuun.
Jos työnantaja maksaa opintomaksun, ota yhteyttä koulutussihteeriin; katso yhteystiedot alla.