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Tutkimusryhmän kuva: Kohtuusratkaisujen tutkimusryhmä

Kohtuusratkaisujen tutkimusryhmä

Tutkimusryhmä | Käynnissä

Kohtuusratkaisujen tutkimusryhmä keskittyy haasteeseen saavuttaa kestävä hyvinvointi oikeudenmukaisesti ja planetaarisia rajoja kunnioittaen. Ryhmän yhdistävänä tekijänä on kohtuuden käsite, sekä siitä juontuvat ratkaisut kestävän, turvallisen ja onnellisen elämän rakentamiseksi. Keskeiset tutkimusaiheet Kohtuusratkaisujen tutkimusryhmän keskeisiin tutkimusaiheisiin kuuluvat kohtuuden käsitteen ja eri sektoreilla toteutettavien kohtuusratkaisujen lisäksi kestävyysmurros, luonnon ennallistaminen, ekosysteemipalvelut, ekologinen makrotalous, kasvuriippuvuus, degrowth, kohtuutalous, kasvun jälkeinen tai vakaan tilan talous, sekä hyvinvointitalous, muiden aiheiden ohella. Tutkimuksen ja vuorovaikutuksen kautta tarkoituksena on ymmärtää paremmin, miten hyvinvointi voidaan turvata talouskasvusta riippumatta, oikeudenmukaisesti, samalla kun talouden aineenvaihdunta (aineen ja energian läpivirtaus) pidetään planetaaristen rajojen puitteissa. Täten ryhmä nojaa vahvasti ekologisen taloustieteen teoriataustaan. Poikkitieteellinen lähestymistapa Ryhmä on ilmiölähtöinen ja yhdistää täten monien alojen asiantuntemusta. Nykypäivän monimutkaisten ongelmien ratkaiseminen vaatii luonnontieteiden, yhteiskuntatieteiden ja humanististen tieteiden sekä taiteiden näkemyksien ja työkalujen soveltamista. Siksi tutkimusryhmämme toivottaa tervetulleiksi tutkijoita eri tieteenaloilta, joita nämä kriittiset aiheet kiinnostavat. Tarkoitus Tutkimusryhmämme pyrkii tuottamaan korkealaatuista tieteellistä tutkimusta, joka auttaa ymmärtämään meneillään olevien kestävyyshaasteiden ratkaisuja. Tuottamalla politiikkasuosituksia, jotka tukevat kestävää hyvinvointia eri tasoilla ja sektoreilla, ryhmä pyrkii myös kääntämään tieteen konkreettisiksi muutoksiksi kohti kestävää tulevaisuutta. Tutkijat: Teemu Koskimäki — Ekologinen taloustiede ja mallinnus (UEF). Myele Rouxel — Ekologinen oikeustiede ja kasvun jälkeinen talous (UEF). Rasmus Sihvonen — Sosiaalipedagogiikka ja dialogi (UEF). Taina de Carvalho — Sosiaalipedagogiikka ja taide (UEF). Matleena Käppi — Sosio-ekologinen taloustiede (WU, LUT). Milla Sarja — Yritysten ympäristöjohtaminen (JYU). Rahoitetut hankkeet: Kohtuusratkaisuilla kohti sisukasta, vihreää ja oikeudenmukaista Suomea (SISU). Rahoittajana Suomen Akatemia / Strategisen tutkimuksen neuvosto (STN). Konsortio: UEF, LUT, UTU, XAMK, DEMOS Kohtuusratkaisujen mallintaminen kestävyysmurroksessa. Rahoittajana Koneen Säätiö.   Logo: Perustuu ’maailman donitsi’ kuvaajaan vuodelta 2015. Kuvaajan lähde: goodlife.leeds.ac.uk   

Research group picture: Kohtuusratkaisujen tutkimusryhmä

Sufficiency Solutions Research Group

Tutkimusryhmä | Käynnissä

The Sufficiency Solutions Research Group focuses on the challenge of achieving sustainable well-being equitably while respecting planetary boundaries. The unifying concept of the group is sufficiency, from which solutions are derived for building a sustainable, secure and happy life. Key research areas The group’s core research topics include the concept of sufficiency and sufficiency solutions implemented across various sectors. Additionally, the research covers sustainability transformation, ecological restoration, ecosystem services, ecological macroeconomics, growth dependence or addiction, degrowth, post-growth or steady-state economy, and well-being economy, among other subjects. Through research and interaction, the group aims to better understand how well-being can be ensured independently of economic growth, equitably, while maintaining the economy’s material and energy throughput within planetary boundaries. The group strongly leans on the theoretical background of ecological economics. Interdisciplinary approach The group is phenomenon-oriented and thus integrates expertise from many fields. Solving today’s complex problems requires combining insights and tools from natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and arts. Therefore, our research group welcomes researchers from various backgrounds interested in these critical topics. Purpose The group strives to produce high-quality science to understand solutions to ongoing sustainability challenges. By generating policy recommendations that support sustainable well-being across different levels and sectors, the group also aims to translate scientific knowledge into concrete changes towards a sustainable future. Researchers: Teemu Koskimäki — Ecological economics and modeling (UEF). Myele Rouxel — Ecological law and post-growth (UEF). Rasmus Sihvonen — Social pedagogy and dialogue (UEF). Taina de Carvalho — Social pedagogy and arts (UEF). Matleena Käppi — Social-ecological economics (WU, LUT). Milla Sarja — Corporate Environmental Management (JYU). Funded projects: Sufficiency solutions for a resilient, green, and just Finland (SISU). Funded by the Strategic Research Council of Finland (SRC). Consortium: UEF, LUT, UTU, XAMK, DEMOS Modeling Sufficiency Solutions in the Sustainability Transition. Funded by the Kone Foundation.   Logo: Based on the ’world doughnut’ chart from 2015. Source of the chart: goodlife.leeds.ac.uk   

Tutkimusryhmän kuva: IGLUE: Pelipohjaisen oppimisen toteuttaminen käyttäen pakohuoneita

IGLUE: Pelipohjaisen oppimisen toteuttaminen käyttäen pakohuoneita

Tutkimusryhmä | Käynnissä

The IGLUE project aims to empower universities to create and conduct pedagogically sound educational escape rooms and promote the widespread adoption of such innovative learning activities across Europe.  The project will have an initial pedagogical design phase in which a methodology for designing effective instructional interventions based on educational escape rooms will be defined. On this basis, a virtual platform for creating, conducting and sharing educational escape rooms will be developed and deployed at each participating institution forming an open and decentralized European network dedicated to the creation, sharing and execution of escape rooms. The developed platform will enable the creation of technology-enhanced educational escape rooms through reusable virtual puzzles and will support all the logistics of conducting an escape room whether face-to-face or remotely. In order to provide teachers, not only with the digital tools, but also with the training they need to create their own educational escape rooms, materials and courses will be created and used to train teachers in the use of the developed methodology and platform. A series of pilot educational escape rooms will be created, executed and evaluated at each participating institution, which will allow to validate and refine the methodology and the platform. Lastly, multiplier events will be held in order to disseminate the results of the project to a wider audience involving educational institutions across all levels of education. In conclusion, the IGLUE project proposes an effective solution for universities to enhance students’ skills, engagement and motivation by generalizing the use of educational escape rooms.

Research group picture: IGLUE: Pelipohjaisen oppimisen toteuttaminen käyttäen pakohuoneita

IGLUE: Implementation of game-based learning using escape rooms

Tutkimusryhmä | Käynnissä

The IGLUE project aims to empower universities to create and conduct pedagogically sound educational escape rooms and promote the widespread adoption of such innovative learning activities across Europe.  The project will have an initial pedagogical design phase in which a methodology for designing effective instructional interventions based on educational escape rooms will be defined. On this basis, a virtual platform for creating, conducting and sharing educational escape rooms will be developed and deployed at each participating institution forming an open and decentralized European network dedicated to the creation, sharing and execution of escape rooms. The developed platform will enable the creation of technology-enhanced educational escape rooms through reusable virtual puzzles and will support all the logistics of conducting an escape room whether face-to-face or remotely. In order to provide teachers, not only with the digital tools, but also with the training they need to create their own educational escape rooms, materials and courses will be created and used to train teachers in the use of the developed methodology and platform. A series of pilot educational escape rooms will be created, executed and evaluated at each participating institution, which will allow to validate and refine the methodology and the platform. Lastly, multiplier events will be held in order to disseminate the results of the project to a wider audience involving educational institutions across all levels of education. In conclusion, the IGLUE project proposes an effective solution for universities to enhance students’ skills, engagement and motivation by generalizing the use of educational escape rooms.

Sininen ympyrä.

Kaukokartoitusmenetelmät ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutuvan metsänhoidon tukena

Tutkimusryhmä | Käynnissä

The overall objective is to fortify climate resilience within the forestry sector of the Aurora regions, particularly in Finnish Lapland and Norrbotten, Sweden. Focused on the integration of advanced remote sensing and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, RESONATE seeks to enhance forest management practices by enabling precise monitoring of forest tree mortality. The overarching aim is to equip forest owners and forestry professionals with innovative tools and data-driven insights, facilitating informed decision-making and the implementation of sustainable management strategies to combat the impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems. The project is organized into six work packages (WPs): WP 1: developing a conceptual and analytical framework with stakeholders, WP 2: employing remote sensing data for forestry, WP 3: creating a model for detecting tree mortality, WP 4: developing a cloud-based platform for climate-resilient forest management , and WP 5: engaging in cross-border dissemination to share results and involve stakeholders. Key outcomes include a tree mortality detection model, five public articles and document innovative methodologies, and a user-friendly platform for data dissemination. By fostering cross-border cooperation and leveraging cutting-edge technologies, RESONATE aspires to make a significant contribution to sustainable forest management, ensuring the effective monitoring of forest ecosystems in the face of evolving climate challenges.

Blue circle.

RESONATE: Remote Sensing-based Tools and Methods for Climate Resilient Forests Management

Tutkimusryhmä | Käynnissä

The overall objective is to fortify climate resilience within the forestry sector of the Aurora regions, particularly in Finnish Lapland and Norrbotten, Sweden. Focused on the integration of advanced remote sensing and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, RESONATE seeks to enhance forest management practices by enabling precise monitoring of forest tree mortality. The overarching aim is to equip forest owners and forestry professionals with innovative tools and data-driven insights, facilitating informed decision-making and the implementation of sustainable management strategies to combat the impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems. The project is organized into six work packages (WPs): WP 1: developing a conceptual and analytical framework with stakeholders, WP 2: employing remote sensing data for forestry, WP 3: creating a model for detecting tree mortality, WP 4: developing a cloud-based platform for climate-resilient forest management , and WP 5: engaging in cross-border dissemination to share results and involve stakeholders. Key outcomes include a tree mortality detection model, five public articles and document innovative methodologies, and a user-friendly platform for data dissemination. By fostering cross-border cooperation and leveraging cutting-edge technologies, RESONATE aspires to make a significant contribution to sustainable forest management, ensuring the effective monitoring of forest ecosystems in the face of evolving climate challenges.