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Aryna Dzmitryieva, MA, LLM: Doctoral Defence in Legislative studies, Joensuu

  • Väitös
  • Talous ja yhteiskunta
Aurora, sali AU100, Joensuun kampus
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The doctoral dissertation of Aryna Dzmitryieva, MA, LLM, entitled Russian Legal Culture in Courts and Judiciary: a Socio-Legal Analysis will be examined at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies. The Opponents will be Professor Soili Nysten-Haarala of the University of Lapland and Emeritus Professor Markku Kivinen of the University of Helsinki, and the Custos will be Professor Anssi Keinänen of the University of the Eastern Finland. Language of the public defence is English.

A news release of the doctoral dissertation will be published at https://www.uef.fi/en/doctoral-dissertations.