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Kuopio campus, Tietoteknia Building, auditorium and online
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Savilahdentie 6
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How do immune cells take part in development of neuropathologies and how can we study their actions? We welcome you to come to hear more at the course Models of Neuroinflammation and Neuropathology, in Kuopio, June 6-7, 2022. Our speakers address multiple aspects of neuroinflammation and its role in pathologies, such as ALS and neuropathic pain.
The course is a hybrid event and comprises two sections, each offering 1 credit for registered students.
1. The live event on June 6-7
2. A set of high-quality tutorial videos on methods employed in neuroinflammation research, followed by short assignments intended to provoke students’ thought regarding the application and limitations of the methodologies. The tutorial videos will also be made available to everyone who attends the live event.
One may register for one or both events. Hybrid event, link for online attendance given later to registered participants. The registration is now open and will close on 15 May. Welcome!
The event is made live by Sartorius Live Cell Imaging and Analysis.
Monday, June 6
9:00–9:15 Registration
9:15–9:30 Welcome
9:30–11:30 Session 1: Neuroinflammation and neuropathologies
9:30–10:10 Introduction to glia in neuropathology
Tarja Malm,University of Eastern Finland
10:10–10:50 Cytokines in the brain and neuroinflammation
Gulderen Yanikkaya Demirel, Yeditepe University
10:50–11:30 Clinical outcome measures to assess glia function in neuropathologies
Laura Airas, University of Turku
11:30–12:30 Lunch break and exhibition
12:30–14:00 Session 2: Microglia
12:30–13:00 Functional read-outs for human microglia and their relevance in neuropathologies
Henna Jäntti, University of Eastern Finland
13:00-13:30 Mechanobiology of microglia
Wei Mo, Xiamen University
13:30-14:00 Microglia in brain organoids
Ilkka Fagerlund, University of Eastern Finland
14:00–14:15 Coffee break and exhibition
14:15–15:15 Session 3: BBB
14:15–14:45 BBB breach and the role of glia in inflammation
Danijela Bataveljic, University of Belgrade
14:45–15:15 Blood-brain-barrier-on-a-chip
Tuuli-Maria Sonninen, University of Eastern Finland
15:15–15:30 Coffee break and exhibition
15:30–16:30 Session 4: Biomarkers
15:30–16:00 Glial markers of ALS and neuroinflammation in the hSOD1 G93A model
Pavle Andjus, University of Belgrade
16:00–16:30 Cellular and humoral factors of inflammation in ALS
Milena Milošević, University of Belgrade
16:30 Closing of day 1
18:00 Evening program
Tuesday, June 7
8:30–9:00 Coffee and exhibition
9:00–10:00 Session 5: The pain
9:00–9:30 Experimental animal models for peripheral traumatic neuropathic pain: a comparison
Roxana Gheorghe, University of Bucharest
9:30–10:00 Chips-for-pain
Prateek Singh, Finnadvance Oy
10:00–10:15 Coffee break and exhibition
10:15–11:15 Session 6: More pain
10:15–10:45 Pain-on-a-chip
Nikita Mikhailov, University of Eastern Finland
10:45–11:15 The role of macrophages from peripheral nervous system in traumatic neuropathic pain pathogenesis
Violeta Ristoiu, University of Bucharest
11:15–12:15 Lunch break and exhibition
12:15–13:15 Webinar by Sartorius: Live cell image analysis on Incucyte
13:15–13:30 Coffee and exhibition
13:30–14:15 Panel discussion
14:15 Closing words
Organizing team:
Ilkka Fagerlund, University of Eastern Finland, correspondence: ilkka.fagerlund@uef.fi
Tarja Malm, University of Eastern Finland
Rashid Giniatullin, University of Eastern Finland
Riikka Martikainen, University of Eastern Finland
Pavle Andjus, University of Belgrad
Violeta Ristoiu, University of Bucharest.
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Eastern Finland
The Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)
H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 Proj. No. 778405
Sartorius, Live Cell Imaging and Analysis solutions.