- Ympäristö ja luonnonvarat
- Tapahtumapäivämäärä:
- Aika:
- 16:00–17:00
- Tapahtumapaikka:
Online webinar
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In each 1-hour session, the speakers from all three locations (Finland, Maine and Michigan) will speak about the topic from their own locality specific perspective. At the end of the session, there is some time for questions and open discussion. The speakers are not only from the universities, but also from other institutes like Finnish Forest Centre, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Maine Forest Products Company and Michigan Department of Natural Resources, to be mentioned.
See full programme of the webinar series here and register each of them separately.
Webinar 4: Current issues and opportunities: a look towards the future – Thursday 28 April, 9 am - 10 am EDT / 4 pm - 5 pm EET
The fourth and the final webinar considers the current issues and opportunities in research, development and innovation sector, as well as economics and markets not forgetting climate change and the maintenance of biodiversity. The speakers are Jyrki Kangas (University of Eastern Finland), Raju Pokharel (Michigan State University) and Bri Bowman (FOR/Maine). At the end of the fourth webinar, there is a closure for the webinar series.
Speaker biographies
- Jyrki Kangas, Professor of Forest Bioeconomy and Leader of UNITE-Flagship programme, University of Eastern Finland, https://www.uef.fi/en/unit/school-of-forest-sciences, https://uniteflagship.fi/
- Raju Pokharel, Assistant Professor of Forest Resource Economics, Michigan State University, https://www.canr.msu.edu/index
- Bri Bowman, Program Director, FOR/Maine (Forest Opportunity Roadmap) Coalitio, https://formaine.org/
The webinar recording is available until 17 May 2022. Link to the webinar recording