- Environment and natural resources
- Event start date:
- Event end date:
- Contact information:
Tiina Ynnilä
- Add to calendar:
We challenge companies and organizations in the area to go for a walk or run and pick litter (plogging). There is power in cooperation!
We will provide participants with litter bags and gloves in the following event points. Pliers you can borrow at city libraries.
Event points:
UEF, Kuopio
Main lobby of the Snellmania building, Yliopistonranta 8
Contact person: Tiina Ynnilä, tiina.ynnila(at)uef.fi, 050 433 9254
UEF, Joensuu
Main lobby of the Carelia building, Yliopistokatu 2 A
Contact person: Heli Kaarniemi, heli.kaarniemi(at)uef.fi, 050 322 8644
Sakky, Kuopio
SakkyShop, Savilahti campus, Hehkukatu 1
Contact person: Anu Salo, anu.salo(at)sakky.fi, 044 785 4019
Karelia, Joensuu
Main lobby of the Wärtsilä campus, Karjalankatu 3
Main lobby of the Tikkarinne campus, E-rakennuksen aula, Tikkarinne 9
Contact person: Leena Väyrynen, leena.vayrynen(at)karelia.fi, 050 409 4582
Collected litter can be taken either to trash bins on campus or to public/private bins.
We hope that after the event, each group or individual collector will report the number of litter bags they have collected in this survey.
Please, share pictures of litter picking on social media with hashtags
#litterpicking #smallecoacts
Additional information
Tiina Ynnilä, University of Eastern Finland, Center for Continuous Learning,
050 4339254, tiina.ynnila(at)uef.fi