Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are online courses open to everyone. The University of Eastern Finland offers MOOCs free of charge as a flexible way of independently getting to know various disciplines and current themes associated with them.
MOOCs are equally suited for self-improvement and continuous learning as well as for persons whose aim is to complete a degree or study at the Open University.
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How does one study in MOOCs?
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are available via a Moodle-based online learning environment (DigiCampus). Course materials and automated exercises are open to everyone, but tasks that count towards the course grade can be completed only after the student has registered and received the right to study. Depending on the type of course, learning may follow a strict timetable or the students are given freedom to study at their own pace.
MOOCs are part of the University of Eastern Finland’s study programmes, meaning that they are recognised as degree studies and Open University studies. Course materials and public exercises of MOOCs are available to everyone free of charge. However, students who wish to have their completed MOOCs and ECTS credits entered in their student register must enrol at the University of Eastern Finland’s Open University and pay the study fee for the course. For students completing a degree at the University of Eastern Finland and persons who have been granted a continued right to study, the completed courses and ECTS credits will be entered in their study register free of charge.

Other UEF Continuous Learning content
In addition to these MOOCs, we offer many other open university courses, plus professional specialization education, in English.
See all of our English-language coursesPysy ajan tasalla - seuraa somea, lue ja kuuntele!
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