The University of Eastern Finland operates scientific postgraduate studies in 7 doctoral programmes, which are responsible for the organisation of subject-related doctoral studies and the supervision of doctoral researchers. Each doctoral programme has a designated head, board, and a coordinator. The doctoral school is responsible for providing transferable skills studies to all of the university’s doctoral researchers, as well as for general development of doctoral education.
The doctoral school is led by Vice Rector Jussi Pihlajamäki with the help of a board, and a coordinator, Head of Academic Affairs Kaisa Laitinen and Academic Affairs Specialist Katri Antin. University Lecturer Merja Lyytikäinen is responsible for general development and for transferable skills studies. University Lecturer Ira Virtanen developes supervision and peer mentoring practices and training to support well-being at work at various research levels. University Lecturer Tuomas Pernu is responsible for teaching research ethics and philosophy of science. You can find the contact information at the bottom of the webpage.
Doctoral programmes
Doctoral education in the University of Eastern Finland is arranged in 7 discipline specific or thematic doctoral programmes. Further information about applying to programmes, research areas and doctoral studies can be found on the homepages of doctoral programmes.
Philosophical Faculty
Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
Faculty of Health Sciences
- Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research
- Doctoral Programme in Drug Research
- Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine
- Doctoral Programme in Health Sciences
Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
Content related to doctoral education
Contact information
The UEF Doctoral School coordinates doctoral education at the university and provides transferable skills studies to all of the university's doctoral researchers.
Doctoral programmes process applications and make proposals for the faculties on the rights to study to be granted. They are also responsible for the organisation of subject-related doctoral studies, and for the supervision of doctoral researchers.
Development of the doctoral school's activities and teaching programme: Merja Lyytikäinen and Ira Virtanen.
Administration of the doctoral school: Kaisa Laitinen and Katri Antin.
Teaching of research ethics and philosophy of science: Tuomas Pernu.
Contact information of the directors and coordinators of the doctoral programmes can be found on the homepages of programmes:
- Doctoral Programme of the Philosophical Faculty
- Doctoral Programme in Science, Forestry and Technology
- Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research
- Doctoral Programme in Drug Research
- Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine
- Doctoral Programme in Health Sciences
- Doctoral Programme of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies