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Workshop on real-world brain imaging data

Harnessing magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography and computed tomography for Brain Research
  • Seminar
  • Health and well-being
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Real-world data (RWD) refers to data derived from various non-experimental or observational sources that reflect routine clinical practice. Given the limitations in the number of participants in controlled trials or research-based cohorts, it is becoming increasingly interesting to tap into RWD as an alternative for truly big data analytics. 

In this workshop, we discuss possibilities to use real-world brain imaging data (mainly referring to magnetic resonance imaging, emission tomography, and computed tomography) for brain research. Because imaging is expensive and many brain imaging examinations are performed in clinical practice, there exists a large, valuable resource that is underused. 

Real world imaging data does not obviously come without challenges: 1) Data is not acquired utilizing a standardized protocol across sites and participants, and therefore may not require specialized methodology to use it. 2) Obtaining a permission to use data, whether based on informed consent, secondary use law, or via biobank, might not be straight-forward. 3) The data might be big in scale and requires specialized computing solution before it can be used. In this workshop, we gather several experts to discuss and share best practices in using real-world imaging data and answer what, why, when, and how questions around the topic. 

The workshop is intended for researchers, experts in wellbeing services counties, companies, and anyone interested in the topic. Registration will be opened later. Welcome!

This event is organised by the Brain Research Unit 2.0 at the University of Eastern Finland. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Jussi Tohka, Professor of biomedical image analysis from the A.I. Virtanen Institute, moderates the event.

For further information, please contact Jussi Tohka, email