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Ihmisiä lukemassa Joensuun kampuskirjaston lukusalissa.

Using legal deposit copies is now easier

Sometimes this happens: you find an interesting book on UEF Primo search service and notice that it’s available as a legal deposit copy for reading room use. From now on, you can request such books directly on UEF Primo. Once you have logged in, you can see a button for a legal deposit copy request when you have opened the search result. 
After clicking the request button, type the name of the preferred pick-up library on the empty field, and send the request. You will see your request on Primo on My Request page until we process it.  Due to the limitations of the system, the pick-up library for all the requests appears as “Joensuun lainaus”. However, the material will arrive in the intended library. 
We will notify you via e-mail once the legal deposit copy has arrived at the library’s customer service.
Still wondering what legal deposit copies are? 
Legal deposit collection is an accumulating collection of Finnish print and electronic publications, and it’s regulated by Finnish law. The legal deposit collection includes printed material published since 1981. In addition to non-fiction books the collection includes also other material: e.g. fiction, journals, comics, sheet music and maps. Due to the high volume, the legal deposit copies are located in a separate warehouse. Please note that you can find only a portion of the legal deposit copies on UEF Primo. You can request the rest of the material with an online form. 
To get the full benefit from our legal deposit copies, please check our updated website: