Current statistical information is the easiest available online from statistics organisations’ web sites and with search engines.
Older statistics and yearbooks can be searched from UEF Primo by the topic.
Statistics Finland is the Finnish public authority specifically established for statistics. It produces a majority of Finnish official statistics.
Suomen tilastollinen vuosikirja (Statistical yearbook of Finland) covers the key figures about Finland.
Most maps in the library collection cover data from Finland: base maps, geological maps etc. Free electronic services are available from National land survey of Finland -website.
Sheet music
There is a moderate collection of sheet music in Joensuu campus library. Search UEF Primo for instance with the composer name and limit the result with Resource type 'Score'.
Audiovisual materials
There are not any AV materials, such as videos, DVDs, or recordings, in the library collection. At legal deposit workstations you can watch and listen to websites, television and radio programmes, as well as sound files. Read more information on legal deposit copies.

Patents and standards
The SFS Online service includes Finnish as well as translated and English SFS standards for the topics we have acquired. Individual standards can also be purchased for the collections, but so far there are few. There are some other electronic services available, too. They contain information about patents (Espacenet) and standards (ISO Catalogue and IEEE Xplore) as well as some full texts.