Of different types of theses, the UEF Library stores the dissertations, licentiate's theses and master's theses of the University of Eastern Finland. Bachelor's theses are not stored in the library.
A thesis can be published
- online: dissertations, UEF master's theses (starting from the beginning of the year 2012)
- on a microfiche, which can be read using designated reader devices: most of the University of Joensuu master's and licentiate's theses until the end of the year 2011
- as a printed book: some dissertations
Online dissertations and thesis are stored in electronic repositories. In UEF, the repository is called eRepo.
University of Kuopio master's and licentiate's theses until 2012 and the oldest thesis of University of Joensuu are stored in the university archive.
The UEF Library has also print copies of other universities' dissertations. Recent dissertations and many other theses are usually accessible online. If there is no access online, you can make an interlibrary loan request.
Search for UEF theses from UEF Primo. Finnish dissertations can be found from Research.fi.
Online theses can also be accessed easily using Google. As a search term, you can add words such as 'dissertation', 'thesis' or 'gradu'.
You can browse theses in eRepo for instance by faculty or department.
Other organisations' repositories can be searched from DOAR.
Guidelines for UEF Primo
- Search a thesis like a book.
- Use UEF Primo Basic search and type the title or the author name.
- Searching by subject, use proper keywords and limit the search result by resource type.
Guidelines for UEF eRepo
- Begin with Communities & Collections: Theses
- Choose the type of theses
- Choose the browsing criteria, for instance Department
- At the front page there is an opportunity for a simple keyword search
Availability and usage rights
Dissertations, at least the summaries, are free to read for everyone.
Whereas, some of the electronic master's theses are not accessible. If the author has not allowed open publication, you can access the thesis on specific computers at the campus libraries. Print versions of the abovementioned master's theses are not available.
You can print out thesis or parts of it. Printing is subject to a charge and you cannot use your printing quota for that. Downloading thesis is not possible.
Do you need information about publishing a thesis? Open the page Publishing.
See also Library's checklist for master's thesis.