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There is a clear positive association between publicly subsidised RDI funding and regional innovation capacity, a recent study funded by Business Finland shows.
A new study shows that disadvantaged population groups also perceived their quality of life to be weaker than the Finnish population on average.
In his opening address, Rector Jukka Mönkkönen of the University of Eastern Finland pointed out that through their educational mission, universities have a special responsibility for fostering democratic culture and the autonomy of science.
The study showed that long-term and productive customer relationships develop in three phases.
Courts see only the tip of the iceberg of disputes related to housing transactions between private individuals, as most cases get settled outside court rooms.
The report is based on research carried out at the University of Eastern Finland between 1989 and 2022.
An extensive meta-analysis suggests that vitamin D supplementation may alleviate depressive symptoms in adults with depression.
The award-winning study concludes that day-to-day project management practices can accelerate sustainability transitions in a hierarchical organisation.
A new study conducted at the University of Eastern Finland shows that digital entrepreneurship in the international context requires networking of the right kind.
A recent paper published in Nature Protocols introduces a complete and comprehensive protocol for analysing nanomaterials in humans and organisms to support the safety of these engineered small materials.