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Population aging will be a growing issue around the world. That has led Honglin Chen, Professor in Social Work, to develop a deep interest in aging and older adults.
Veli-Pekka Leppänen, CEO of Nanocomp Ltd., has been selected as the University of Eastern Finland’s Alumnus of the Year.
“Instead of planning for growth, regions with a dwindling population should learn to adapt to shrinkage,” says Teemu Makkonen, UEF’s newly appointed Professor of Regional Research and Economic Geography.
Ulla-Mari Kinnunen’s career path has led her from nurse to professor with profound understanding of knowledge management in social welfare and health care.
The Finnish coronavirus vaccine developer Rokote Laboratories Finland Ltd. has appointed Tuija Keinonen, Doctor of Science (Pharmacy), as the company's new CEO.
Simcha Jong, a new part-time Professor at UEF’s NEURO Research Community, believes that an interdisciplinary approach is critical to tackling neurological disorders.
Hanna Lappalainen has been appointed as Professor of Finnish Language, especially spoken language variation.
The new library director Ari Muhonen likes to speak out in favour of open science and societal interaction. Even in his spare time, he wants to promote the visibility of libraries and new ways of doing things.
The European Academy of Sciences and Arts has invited UEF’s Professor of English Jopi Nyman as a new member in its meeting in August 2021.
As a young boy, Juho Pesonen would show professors of tourism around his hometown, Savonlinna. This August, he, too, joined the ranks of tourism professors at the University of Eastern Finland.