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In the future, a growing number of neurodegenerative diseases could ideally be treated with the same drug, says Timo Myöhänen, the University of Eastern Finland’s newly appointed Professor of Pharmacology and Drug Development.
Docent of Neurosurgery Mikael von und zu Fraunberg, MD, MSc (Tech), LLM, MSc (Econ. & Bus. Adm.), has been appointed as Director of Neurocenter Finland.
Marja Laasonen has been appointed as Professor of Logopedics as of 1 June.
Anna Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen’s work at the University of Eastern Finland Law School is pioneering: no similar professorship exists in Finland nor abroad.
The Collegiate Body of the University of Eastern Finland made a decision on the external members on Friday, 28 May 2021.
Associate Professor Jussi Laine from the Karelian Institute has been elected as the new President of the Western Social Science Association, WSSA.
Societal policy measures and individual choices both play a role in moving towards sustainable well-being, Professor Arto O. Salonen says.
“The COVID-19 pandemic brought with it many important lessons and experiences from crisis management and the revolution of work,” says Professor of Management Pia Heilmann.
The University of Eastern Finland has appointed new Deans for its faculties for a term of office stating at the beginning of 2022.
Professor Lasse Peltonen has seen the causes and consequences of environmental conflicts both as a researcher and as a mediator. The roles are different, but both are needed to understand conflicts and to find solutions to them.