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Climate change poses a particular risk to pine trees growing in dry areas, a new University of Eastern Finland study conducted in an urban recreational forest in Helsinki shows.
Individuals charged with sexual offenses against adults are also at high risk of committing crimes against children.
The prevalence of belief in God began to grow among boys already in 2021, and in 2024, the same phenomenon could be seen among girls as well.
A newly published book, The Maya Forest Waterlands: Shared Conservation, Entangled Politics, and Fluid Borders, critically explores Mesoamerica’s borderlands, remoteness, geopolitics and conservation.
Teenagers may be less likely to initiate tobacco smoking if they engage in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) from childhood.
The Brain Research Unit's new service concept has improved the process of identifying individuals in biobanks and recontacting them for studies, especially those whose genes put them at risk for brain diseases, including rare ones.
There is a growing need for expertise in special education at universities, as properly addressing diversity during studies also enables a more diverse professional life.
The probability of revision sinus surgery including removing nasal polyps is higher if the patient has asthma or is on antibiotics at the time of their initial surgery.
The MYÖTE model increases co-operation between occupational health services and other social welfare and health care sector parties in the treatment of mental health disorders.
An international research project focuses on how artificial intelligence (AI) could support the work of nurses.