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The University of Eastern Finland Law School is involved in an EU project investigating how society can anticipate and prepare for the threats posed by pollinator decline.
Finnish scientists have studied how different COVID-19 variants take over human cells to help the virus spread. By understanding this, we can find better ways to stop the virus with new treatments.
Eurooppalainen JPI MYBL -tutkimusohjelma on myöntänyt 1,28 miljoonan euron rahoituksen Suomessa, Ruotsissa ja Isossa-Britanniassa toteutettavalle tutkimukselle.
The majority of children who started smoking tobacco at age 10 years or in their later teens continued to smoke until their mid-twenties. Continuous smoking from childhood significantly increased the risk of premature heart damage, a new study shows.
The study showed that as the integration of AI progressed, sales managers faced new kind of communication challenges, including those related to overcoming fears and resistance to change.
Nurses with immigrant backgrounds can provide much-needed relief to the nursing shortage in Finland. At the same time, workplaces in healthcare need a deeper understanding of concepts such as cultural sensitivity.
Public procurers should have a clear and well-communicated strategy, which is backed up by involvement of management and suitable resources, a recent study shows.
Ten research projects at the University of Eastern Finland secured a grant from Kone Foundation.
The 40th anniversary seminar of the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study (KIHD) brought together leading experts and researchers who reflected on KIHD’s achievements and its impact on global health.
In all, the Finnish Research Infrastructure Committee within the Research Council of Finland selected 21 infrastructures to the roadmap of national research infrastructures 2025–2028.