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The Best Master’s Thesis Award in Optics presented to Roman Calpe, Madona Mekhael and Afifa Rahman.
Doctor of Education Anniina Kämäräinen, Doctor of Agriculture and Forestry Tuomas Yrttimaa, Doctor of Health Sciences Siiri-Liisi Kraav, and Doctor of Philosophy Niko Vartiainen have been recognised with the University of Eastern Finland’s Young Researcher Award 2021.
MD, Doctoral Researcher Andrew Agbaje of the Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition has won an American Heart Association 2022 Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award.
The awards ceremony was held on 16 December at Kuopio Campus.
Dean of the Faculty of Science and Forestry, Professor Jukka Jurvelin has been recognised with the ORS Arthur Steindler, MD Award.
The University of Eastern Finland’s former Human Resources Director Jouni Kekäle has been selected as one of the three finalists of the HRO Today Human Resources Director of the Year Award.
Kivipelto was awarded for her groundbreaking work on the world’s first global initiative for preventing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. With the prize funding, the researchers will study the potential benefit of metformin treatment added to lifestyle interventions.
The University of Lodz in Poland has awarded Professor Kai Kaarniranta with the prestigious Medal Universitatis Lodziensis Amico Prize.