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In 2017–2018, the University of Eastern Finland and the University of Turku organised a Bachelor’s and a Master’s programme for fifty Namibian teachers. The teachers have found good employment in Namibia.
For pupils and teachers spending a large part of their day in the school, the school soundscape is an important factor of well-being.
The work of the University of Eastern Finland’s teacher education and teacher training schools on the international eTwinning platform has received recognition.
Concerns over university students’ experienced strain and well-being soared when the coronavirus pandemic moved lectures online and sent students home.
Through the Biodiversity education network, students at the University of Eastern Finland have a possibility to take biodiversity-related courses from other universities.
The new textbook "Molecular Immunology: How Science Works" by Professor Carsten Carlberg and Dr Eunike Velleuer provides an essential background in molecular immunology.
Lately, students of the Russian language and culture at the University of Eastern Finland have been able to use of their knowledge of the language and culture in a meaningful way by helping Ukrainians. It is essential that Finland has experts capable of analysing and anticipating Russia.
Research called “Reactions to war in Ukraine in university students” will be implemented at University of Eastern Finland. Students will be approached with an electronic questionnaire that deals with reactions to war in Ukraine.
The task values for school and sports among sports upper secondary school students are strongly related to each other. In other words, students with high motivation for school also have high motivation for sports.
Flipping has become increasingly popular internationally in recent years. However, this is the first time that the success of the flipped classroom approach has been studied from the perspective of student satisfaction.