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“Medical physics and biomedical engineering are mutually supportive fields. Our programme for medical physicists is one of the field’s most demanding programmes in the world,” Professor Petro Julkunen says.
New technological solutions for sustainable development, climate change and materials sufficiency can be found in natural sciences, Professor Jarkko J. Saarinen says.
Finnish craft science is a unique field of research even on a global scale, and Finland has played a pioneering role in the development of the discipline.
Relationships between individuals and groups have been of interest to Professor of Social Psychology Eerika Finell since the early stages of her career.
“Coronary artery disease has, for a long time, been mainly treated with cholesterol-lowering drugs, but there is a need for other types of treatments as well. For example, new drugs could target pathogenic changes taking place in the arterial wall,” Professor Minna Kaikkonen-Määttä says.
"Providing schools with tools that they can use to create a safe environment and curb behavioural problems is an effective approach in practice,” says Hannu Savolainen.
The UEF’s newly appointed Professor of International Sales Saara Julkunen knows sales inside and out – from a local store to international business collaboration.
Professor of European Law and Legislative Studies Emilia Korkea-aho is fascinated by difficult issues surrounding the regulation of lobbying.
Professor Eeva Nykänen’s expert role pertains to heatedly debated topics ranging from the social security reform to immigration law.
“Meaningful living on this planet Earth requires that we understand the interactions between humans, machines and nature,” says Mikko Vastaranta, the University of Eastern Finland’s newly appointed Professor of Forest-based Bioeconomy.