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“With good working life skills, forestry graduates are sure to secure employment,” says the University of Eastern Finland’s newly appointed Professor of Forest Technology Kalle Kärhä.
Population aging will be a growing issue around the world. That has led Honglin Chen, Professor in Social Work, to develop a deep interest in aging and older adults.
“Instead of planning for growth, regions with a dwindling population should learn to adapt to shrinkage,” says Teemu Makkonen, UEF’s newly appointed Professor of Regional Research and Economic Geography.
Ulla-Mari Kinnunen’s career path has led her from nurse to professor with profound understanding of knowledge management in social welfare and health care.
Hanna Lappalainen has been appointed as Professor of Finnish Language, especially spoken language variation.
As a young boy, Juho Pesonen would show professors of tourism around his hometown, Savonlinna. This August, he, too, joined the ranks of tourism professors at the University of Eastern Finland.
In the future, a growing number of neurodegenerative diseases could ideally be treated with the same drug, says Timo Myöhänen, the University of Eastern Finland’s newly appointed Professor of Pharmacology and Drug Development.
Marja Laasonen has been appointed as Professor of Logopedics as of 1 June.
Anna Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen’s work at the University of Eastern Finland Law School is pioneering: no similar professorship exists in Finland nor abroad.
Societal policy measures and individual choices both play a role in moving towards sustainable well-being, Professor Arto O. Salonen says.