A vocabulary (or a thesaurus) is an established list of standardised terminology and contains subject terms. Subject terms are used for describing the content of the publication. Subject terms help to discover the publications of the same content.
General Finnish Ontology YSO is a trilingual ontology consisting mainly of general concepts.
You can use any words for searching subject words from YSO. The subject word is marked as 'Preferred Term'. Also the Broader Concepts, Narrower Concepts and Related Concepts are subject words.
The 'Entry Terms' are not used as subject terms. The 'Entry Term' guides to the actual subject word.
MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) is a vocabulary used especially in the health sciences.
The subject term is called 'MeSH Heading'.
LCSH (Library of Congress Subject Headings) is a multidisciplinary vocabulary that is used widely all over.
In addition to the 'Topical subject headings' also the Broader, Narrower and Related terms are subject headings.
'Variants' are not used as subject headings.
Automatic indexing tools to try out
The automatic indexing tools can help to find subject terms. The tools suggest subject terms according to the content of the text. The text used can be for example the abstract of the Thesis or Dissertation.
The final decision for using a subject word makes the user.
Finto AI suggests subject terms for a given text based on YSO General Finnish ontology. The text can be either in Finnish, Swedish or English.
With MeSH on Demand tool you can search MeSH Headings.
Read further information about MeSH on Demand tool.