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Academy of Finland grants 1.8 million euros of research in­fra­struc­ture funding to University of Eastern Finland

The Academy of Finland has awarded a total of 1.8 million euros of funding from the FIRI2019 call to the University of Eastern Finland for building and developing national research infrastructures. Funding earmarked for Finland’s roadmap infrastructures was secured by Academy Professor Seppo Ylä-Herttuala from A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, by Professor Annele Virtanen from the Department of Applied Physics, and by Professor Juha Rouvinen from the Department of Chemistry. Funding for new initiatives outside Finland’s roadmap infrastructures was secured by Senior Researcher Christina Biasi from the Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences.

The Academy of Finland provides funding for the acquisition and establishment of nationally significant research infrastructures that promote high-quality scientific research and for strengthening and expanding existing services.   The Finnish Research Infrastructure Committee at the Academy of Finland made the FIRI2019 funding decisions on 9 December 2019 and on 21 January 2020.  A total of 22 million euros were awarded for building and developing national research infrastructures.

Professor Virtanen secured 657,297 euros of funding as part of the INAR RI/ ACTRIS-FI consortium in the field of atmospheric and environmental research, and Academy Professor Ylä-Herttuala 492,657 euros for the National Virus Vector Laboratory. Professor Rouvinen secured 409,500 euros as part of the Instruct Finland consortium in the field of structural cell biology, and Senior Researcher Biasi secured 243,334 euros as part of the INAR RI Agriculture consortium focusing on climate and air quality impacts of northern agricultural soils.

The researchers' contact details can be found in the university's telephone directory.