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Andrew Agbaje.

Andrew Agbaje elected Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology

Andrew Agbaje has been elected Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC). The induction ceremony took place on August 30, 2024, at the 74th European Society of Cardiology congress in London, UK. 

The prestigious FESC title was awarded to Agbaje for demonstrating the highest professional standard and commitment to reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases. The FESC is a title of honour that is awarded to healthcare professionals who have made a significant contribution to cardiology. Being a FESC grants the privilege to actively lead within the cardiology society, thus, Agbaje chaired an abstract session at the ESC 2024 congress. The ESC is the largest and most prestigious cardiology society in the world.

Andrew Agbaje is a physician and associate professor (docent) of clinical epidemiology and child health at the University of Eastern Finland. Agbaje has discovered arterial stiffness as a novel causal risk factor for elevated blood pressure, premature cardiac damage, obesity, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents. Agbaje has also shown that sedentary time above 6 hours/day from childhood through young adulthood significantly increased the risk of premature cardiac damage by mid-twenties. Agbaje has proposed the adoption of a cholesterol passport for adolescents as a tool for universal paediatric lipid screening which could aid in preventing atherosclerosis and premature heart damage in youth.

FESC-arvonimen saajat ESC 2024 -kongressissa.
From left to right: Christian Hassager (Denmark), Lambert Appiah (Ghana), Andrew Agbaje (Finland), Steve Lang (France). Photo by European Society of Cardiology. Aug 30, 2024, ExCel London, UK.
Andrew Agbaje ESC 2024 -kongressissa.