A team of experienced teachers is working to strengthen their fellow colleagues’ skills and expertise in online and blended learning pedagogy at the University of Eastern Finland.
The coronavirus pandemic has sped up the introduction of new educational technologies and blended learning in higher education institutions throughout Finland. Teachers and students have had to take a very rapid digital leap, and the need for support relating to flexible modes of teaching and learning was also acknowledged at the University of Eastern Finland.
The University of Eastern Finland responds to this challenge through a new team in online and blended learning pedagogy, which works to strengthen teachers’ digital skills and to find methods of teaching and student counselling that both support learning and are interactive. Five experienced teachers stand at the core of this team, working a Facilitators across faculty boundaries.
The Facilitators make their pedagogical and technological expertise available to the university’s teaching staff, share their tips on how to organise online teaching, and give advice on the best ways to deliver teaching on site, online, or as a combination of the two.
The development of the university’s online and blended learning pedagogy is led by Academic Rector Tapio Määttä.
“The development of online and blended learning pedagogy is a continuation of our long-term investments in the development of learning environments. The University of Eastern Finland is also home to diverse research addressing new opportunities and tools for learning in a digitised society, and this forms a solid foundation for our goal to be a pioneer in digital pedagogy,” Määttä says.
New ways of teaching also enhance skills in remote work
The university’s faculties and the Language Centre have each been appointed their own Facilitator, who will encourage teachers to experiment with, and to renew, their teaching methods.
The academic community comprises a variety of different learners and teachers: some are quick to adopt new things, while others prefer to take baby steps. The Facilitators’ work starts from each teacher’s personal skills and strengths, ultimately leading to deeper pedagogical expertise throughout the university.
The team also supports students’ wishes for studying flexibly, irrespective of place. This is also a way for the university to strengthen students’ skills in remote work, which play an increasingly important role in the world of work.
“The past year’s experience clearly shows that the ways of studying and working have changed drastically at the university and in workplaces. Developing flexible teaching arrangements, combining on-site and online teaching, and strengthening teachers’ skills in digital pedagogy are future-oriented steps we are now taking,” Director of Learning Environment Development Kari Korhonen says.
Meet the Facilitators of new learning
The university’s new Facilitators of online and blended learning pedagogy are University Lecturer Kati Kasanen, University Lecturer Vesa Paajanen, University Lecturer Piia Siitonen, University Lecturer Helena Kantanen, and University Lecturer Susanna Kohonen.
Each of the Facilitators has their specific strengths and skills, which they share in networks across faculty boundaries.
Find the Facilitators’ personal introductions on the online and blended learning pedagogy website.
Some content that was thought impossible to be delivered online could, in fact, be moved online in collaboration with colleagues.
Kati Kasanen
University Lecturer, Philosophical Faculty

We can discuss and plan for ways to deliver your course online, making it available to different kind of students.
Vesa Paajanen
University Lecturer, Faculty of Science and Forestry
Interaction and practising interaction skills can be easily done also over the internet!
Piia Siitonen
University Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences

It is important that teaching is developed on the basis of scientific evidence.
Helena Kantanen
University Lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies

We should never forget the fact that we are all human beings, and it is other human beings we are reaching out to and communicating with.
Susanna Kohonen
University Lecturer, Language Centre

On the online and blended learning pedagogy website, you will also find current news around the theme, blog posts, tips of the week, upcoming training sessions and recommended links.
For further information, please contact:
Tapio Määttä, Academic Rector, tapio.maatta@uef.fi, tel. +358 50 575 1589
Kari Korhonen, Director of Learning Environment Development, kari.korhonen@uef.fi, tel. +358 50 432 3826
Kati Kasanen, University Lecturer, kati.kasanen@uef.fi, tel. +358 50 573 1582
Vesa Paajanen, University Lecturer, vesa.paajanen@uef.fi, tel. +358 50 442 3227
Piia Siitonen, University Lecturer, piia.siitonen@uef.fi, tel. +358 40 355 2509
Helena Kantanen, University Lecturer, helena.kantanen@uef.fi, tel. +358 40 355 3366
Susanna Kohonen, University Lecturer, susanna.kohonen@uef.fi, tel. +358 50 442 2653