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More online visibility for UEF’s research in­fra­struc­tures

The research infrastructures of the University of Eastern Finland have been added to the national portal, and they are also increasingly visible on the university’s own website.

“By doing this, we want to make our research infrastructures increasingly accessible,” says Arto Koistinen, the university’s Director of Research Infrastructures.

Research infrastructures refer to nationally important research instruments, pieces of equipment, materials and services that enable and support research, research training and education, and enhance research and innovation capacity.

In the national portal, the research infrastructures of the University of Eastern Finland are presented as nine entities, such as “Climate Change RI” and “Datasets and RI for Humanities”. The objective of the national portal is to promote the visibility and open use of research infrastructures. In the portal, research infrastructures and services provided by them are presented in a uniform manner.

Explore the research infrastructures of the University of Eastern Finland in the portal

“Being showcased in the national portal implements the university’s strategy through concept development for research infrastructures. In concrete terms, the benefits of this visibility include better opportunities for networking and research collaboration for our researchers and research communities,” Koistinen says.

The university has also boosted the visibility of its research infrastructures on its own website. In addition to its infrastructures, the university’s role in national and international research infrastructure networks is described on the website.

Visit the university’s renewed Research Infrastructures website

Information on individual pieces of research equipment has been compiled into the UEF Research Infrastructure Portal built on the Open IRIS platform. The portal makes it possible to showcase and find information on research equipment even on a global scale. The continuously updated UEF Research Infrastructure Portal is available at

“High-quality research is dependent on high-quality research infrastructures. By ensuring that our conditions for research are of a high standard, we can enhance the impact of our research. This also enables us to attract talented researchers specifically to the University of Eastern Finland. Continuous development and diversification of research infrastructures is one of our strategic goals, both now and in the years to come,” Koistinen says.