The regional Kuopio Brain & Mind network at Neurocenter Finland promotes brain health through multidisciplinary collaboration. The network’s activities are now boosted by new multi-talented professionals.
Neurocenter Finland was established in 2021 to support the Health Sector Growth Strategy in neurosciences. It operates through six regional Brain & Mind networks, and its activities are coordinated by the University of Eastern Finland.
The regional Kuopio Brain & Mind network comprises some 200 researchers with PhDs from the University of Eastern Finland and the North Savo Wellbeing County, who are doing research on brain health, neurology and neuroscience, and psychiatry. The goal is to foster collaboration between the university, hospitals and businesses, and to contribute to the success of top-level neuroscience research in eastern Finland.
The Kuopio-based network has also succeeded in integrating research on, e.g., neurobiological disease mechanisms, data sciences, neuroethics and business studies into an entity that promotes innovation.
“Already now, Kuopio Brain & Mind has sparked significant joint projects, such as the UEF Brain Research Unit 2.0 project, which will create a nationally and internationally attractive service and operating model for clinical studies on brain diseases and brain health,” says Professor Mikko Hiltunen, Director of the Neuroscience Research Community at the University of Eastern Finland.
Clinical research refers to medical research conducted on humans.
Funded by the Regional Council of Northern Savo, the project promotes business- and science-based innovation and accelerates the introduction of research findings into disease diagnostics and treatment practices. The project develops ways to better harness brain imaging, gene and biomarker data for research, development and innovation. Patient organisations are also included, which increases the involvement of patients and citizens in research and treatment practices that affect them.
“As part of Kuopio Brain & Mind’s international activities, we are involved in organising scientific conferences to increase the visibility and impact of research in this field. For example, the European Academy of Neurology conference will bring thousands of experts from around the world to Helsinki next summer,” Professor Reetta Kälviäinen says.
New multi-talented professionals build dialogue and networks
The Chair of Kuopio Brain & Mind’s Regional Steering Group changed last autumn, with Professor Annakaisa Haapasalo starting as Hiltunen’s successor.

“We will continue to promote multidisciplinary collaboration. We strive for our activities to be as translational and patient-oriented as possible, linking basic research on disease biology with its human cell-derived laboratory models to clinical studies, while also considering social aspects,” Haapasalo says.
“For this purpose, we support dialogue between researchers engaged in basic research and clinical researchers working with patients.”
The Haapasalo Lab has a long track record in research addressing the disease mechanisms and biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia, working in close collaboration with clinical researchers. “Neurocenter Finland offers us a platform for promoting brain health and reducing the cost burden of brain diseases.”
Tarja Laitinen, MSc in Health Sciences, started as Kuopio Brain & Mind’s new Regional Manager in January. “As an active hands-on person, I’m eager to start this meaningful work in the network, which is a wonderful environment to operate in,” Laitinen says.
Majoring in sports and exercise medicine, Laitinen graduated with a Master’ degree in health sciences in 2009, and she is also a trained physical therapist. She has also studied project and business management, and she has nearly 20 years of corporate experience, working for Rastor Institute, among others. “I’m now making use of this background in neurosciences, as I’m doing networking and stakeholder relations, events, development and raising awareness of the field.”
According to Neurocenter Finland’s Director, Docent Eero Rissanen, the activities of Kuopio Brain & Mind have been launched successfully, and he believes this success will continue, thanks to the multi-talented professionals involved in the network.
For further information, please contact:
Tarja Laitinen, Regional Manager, Kuopio Brain & Mind, tarja.laitinen(a), 050 560 6139
Annakaisa Haapasalo, Professor, University of Eastern Finland, A. I. Virtanen Institute, annakaisa.haapasalo(a), 040 355 2768