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Tutkijat tarkastavat droonilentolaitetta.

Pasi Korpelainen and Aleksi Ritakallio doing a final check before a hyperspectral drone flight.

New remote sensing methods are well-suited for the detection of tree species

Researchers in the IBC-Carbon project have used hyperspectral, laser scanning and drone measurement methods to map the European aspen in the Evo research area in southern Finland.

DJIwind4 copter equipped with a hyperspectral sensor (Specim AFX10) taking off.
Researcher Anton Kuzmin sending off an eBee Plus RTK drone for a fixed wing flight.
Laserkeilauspistepilvestä muodostettu latvuston korkeusmalli.
Crown height model formed from a laser scanning point cloud.
Hyperspektriaineistoa kuvaava datakuutio.
A hyperspectral data cube.
Ilmakuvauksen oikaisupisteiden merkintää GPS-laitteella.
Marking aerial imaging correction points with a GPS device.
Lennonjohtopaikka hakkuuaukealla. Tutkija Anton Kuzmin seuraa fixed wing -dronelennon edistymistä.
Air traffic control station in a felling site. Researcher Anton Kuzmin is monitoring the progress of a fixed wing drone flight.