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Anna Toljamo and strawberry plants.

Each mother plant has produced around 20 daughter plants. Postdoctoral Researcher Anna Toljamo in the photo.

New strawberry cultivation methods in focus

The University of Eastern Finland has years of experience in research addressing the cultivation of strawberries. The latest cultivation experiments show that strawberries can be grown cost-effectively and self-sufficiently, even from seeds.

  • Text Marianne Mustonen
  • Photos Raija Törrönen

Several strawberry cultivation experiments are currently underway at the Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences on the Kuopio Campus, with researchers testing different growing mediums and irrigation methods, as well as the production of runners and seedlings.

“It is possible to grow strawberries efficiently – anywhere and all year round,” Researcher Harri Kokko says.

“This does not necessarily require access to land, as strawberries can be grown in vertically stacked layers efficiently and, most importantly, hygienically, even in small indoor spaces.”

Harri Kokko and strawberry plants.
Researcher Harri Kokko.
Hydroponic strawberries.
Gutter cultivation of strawberries is also working well.

It takes three months for a strawberry plant grown from seed to flower.

Harri Kokko


Strawberries grown in a greenhouse give harvest for a long time.