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Shaping your own degree with Young Universities for the Future of Europe

Experiencing new things is a critical part of the learning process. The YUFE programme allows students to go on an educational adventure, shape their own curriculum, and fill their student journey with unforgettable memories and valuable knowledge. Mikail Yildiz is studying European law at Maastricht University and is currently reaping the benefits from taking courses all over Europe as well as his exchange to another university. These opportunities have allowed him to develop skills that will help him in his quest to prepare for his professional life as best as possible.  

Are you a student at one of the partner universities and also interested in joining? Sign up for the online OPEN DAY on 12 September 2022 or on 11 October 2022
As one of the first participants in the YUFE student journey, Mikail has already been on exchange to Italy and taken courses at different European universities, but he is not quite done yet. “I am still able to find new things I can do through YUFE, which is pretty amazing.” According to Mikail, picking his own courses is one of the biggest benefits of the programme: “I shaped my bachelor’s degree by linking courses from other universities with my own. Taking multidisciplinary courses all over Europe was a unique experience.” 
Going out of your way to learn more 
According to Mikail, the YUFE programme is valuable for both bachelor’s and master’s students. “Every university is organized differently, which means you learn how to learn.” Additionally, his current experiences will help him after he has finished his studies. “Future employers respect it when you go out of your way to learn more. The lessons in cultural diversity and cross-border courses are an important addition to my resume.” Throughout his YUFE student journey, Mikail has already taken several courses, and he’s planning to participate in other activities as well. “I’m planning to partake in activities for my professional development and I’m applying to volunteer for Oxfam as part of the YUFE star programme.” The flexibility of the programme allows him to keep this schedule while continuing his studies in Maastricht.  
Ciao Roma!  
It's not surprising that Mikail is eager to add international experiences to his studies. He was raised in Belgium, but has a Turkish father and an Italian mother. “I was used to spending time with people from lots of nationalities and cultures, but this is not standard for everyone. Later on, I’d like to work in an international context, so everything I can pick up before then is a bonus.” Through YUFE, he has already seized the opportunity to learn both Turkish and Italian. “Going to Rome on a physical exchange gave me a broader perspective on European Law. The language course I took added to the experience, because it enabled me to speak with the locals, which I really enjoyed.” 
This is what I need 
All of this started with a newsletter from Maastricht University which offered the YUFE student journey as an opportunity to their students, which caught his attention and led him to the website. “After browsing the website, I decided it was something I really wanted to do. The following application procedure was clear and simple.” After his application, he was pleasantly surprised by the way things were organized: “It’s really easy to register for courses: YUFE confirms that you’ve enlisted successfully just hours after you apply. Plus, whenever I need something, it’s very easy to get in touch with YUFE.” 
Read everything about the YUFE Student Journey and how you can apply. Seize the opportunity!