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Timber with resin drops

Teo­l­lisuus­neu­vos Heikki Väänänen's Fund awards grants for year 2023

Application period: 17 October–18 November 2022

Teollisuusneuvos Heikki Väänänen Fund awards grants for wood-related scientific research at the University of Eastern Finland. Grants may be awarded for research projects that increase research-based knowledge of wood and promote the development of novel wood products or enhance the use and usability of wood for the needs of humanity.

In 2023, grants can be awarded for basic or applied research supporting these purposes with the following criteria:

1. One-year grants of a maximum of 24,000 euros or half-year grants (12,000 euros) for a doctoral dissertation project or for post doc research. The grant includes the cost required by the MYEL pension insurance. The university does not collect the so-called “university compensation” from recipients.

2. Additionally, grants of 2,000 euros may be awarded for master’s thesis work.

The grants awarded for doctoral dissertations or for post doc research are personal working grants intended for full-time research work (grantee can not have a paid employment during the same time).  No travel grants will be awarded. The same applicant may be awarded an annual grant from the Fund only once.

The grant application must include, as an appendix, a research proposal that indicates:

1. Background of the research
2. Objectives
3. Materials and methods
4. Expected outcomes and their significance, and
5. Timetable (the overall length of the proposal may not exceed 3 pages, font size 11).

The research plan for the post-doc phase must indicate that the research is part of a research group at the University of Eastern Finland.

The application must also include as an appendix:

  • the applicant’s CV (curriculum vitae),
  • for postgraduate students, a statement from the supervisor and
  • the commitment of the school/department concerned. The application must be accompanied by the research unit’s commitment to ensure that the proposed research is linked to the unit’s other research, as well as the basic conditions for the applicant’s work (e.g., working facilities, telecommunications, printing, library, and information services).

The grant recipient must report on the use of the grant according to separate instruction.

The grants must be used during 2023. The grantees will be announced at the Karelia Symposium on 25 April 2023.

Apply here

For further information, please contact:

Member of the fund committee, Professor Ossi Turunen, e-mail, tel +358 29 4453119

Secretary of the fund committee, Executive Head of Administration Arja Hirvonen, e-mail, tel. +358 29 4453002