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Lobby in Snellmania building, Kuopio campus.

UEF Board approved the university’s plan of operations and budget for 2023

The Board of the University of Eastern Finland approved the university’s plan of operations and budget for 2023 in a meeting held on 14 December 2022. The university’s financial situation is stable. The budget has been prepared so that the revenues and expenses are in balance.

The university’s strategy, UEF 2030 – Seizing a Sustainable Future, is implemented through continuously updated strategic programmes. These programmes serve as the university’s plan of operations, guiding the concrete progress of the strategy and the allocation of strategic funding. As new strategic measures, investments will be made in the development of university pedagogy and doctoral education, for example.

The university’s overall funding will increase from the level of the budget for 2022. In particular, the Ministry of Education and Culture’s basic funding for universities will grow (9.7 million euros). Basic funding is increased most through an increase in the financial framework through indexes; however, at the same time due to inflation, costs will also rise more sharply than in the previous years.

In addition, the university’s basic funding will increase thanks to improved performance, and the Ministry of Education and Culture’s strategic funding is also estimated to grow. The estimate on the use of investment income is increased from the previous estimate by 1 million euros. Despite the pressures caused by rising costs, the financial situation is expected to remain balanced.  

For further information, please contact:

Jukka Mönkkönen, Rector, University of Eastern Finland,, +358 294 45 8001

Heini Koskenvuori, Chief Financial Officer, University of Eastern Finland,, +358 50 569 7560