The Ministry of Education and Culture announced today all special subsidies awarded to projects addressing the development of higher education in 2018–2020. The DigiCampus project coordinated by the University of Eastern Finland secured approximately 3.6 million euros of funding. The DigiCampus project seeks to develop a shared digital learning environment, pedagogy and services for Finnish higher education institutions. UEF is also a partner in ten other projects that secured funding.
Other subsidised projects in which UEF participates:
AnalytiikkaÄly (‘Analytics Intelligence’): 1.5 million euros, coordinated by the University of Oulu
Toinen reitti yliopistoon (‘Alternative path to university’): 2.9 million euros, coordinated by the University of Jyväskylä
Monialainen digitaalinen oppiminen kestävyyshaasteissa – joustavat opintopolut työelämään (‘Multidisciplinary digital learning in sustainability challenges – flexible study paths to working life’): 900,000 euros, coordinated by the University of Helsinki
Palliatiivisen hoitotyön ja lääketieteen koulutuksen monialainen ja työelämälähtöinen kehittäminen (‘Multidisciplinary and working life oriented development of palliative care and medical training’): 1.5 million euros, coordinated by Kajaani University of Applied Sciences
SOTE-PEDA 24/7 (‘Social welfare and health care pedagogics 24/7’): 3.1 million euros, coordinated by Laurea University of Applied Sciences
MEDigi (‘Digital learning environments for medical and dentistry training’): 3.2 million euros, coordinated by the University of Oulu
Joustavia polkuja kohti työelämää – Bio- ja lääkealan koulutusyhteistyön kehittäminen (‘Flexible paths to working life - development of educational collaboration in the bio and medicines sector’): 1.2 million euros, coordinated by the University of Turku
Älykkäät oppimisympäristöt ja niiden sisällöntuotanto (‘Intelligent learning environments and their content creation’): 1.7 million euros, coordinated by Aalto University
Työelämäpedagogiikka korkeakoulutuksessa – Asiantuntijuus, toimijuus ja työelämätaidot (‘Working life pedagogy in higher education - professionalism, agency and working life skills’):1.4 million euros, coordinated by Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
The Ministry of Education and Culture awarded funding to a total of 19 projects addressing the development of higher education. The overall funding amounts to 40 million euros.