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Tuuli Ahonen

Why study at one university, if you can study at 10!

The Young Universities for the Future of Europe/YUFE allows you to build your European curriculum while you continue to study for your UM degree. Not only will you gain knowledge and experience in a multicultural environment but you can also enrich your curriculum with courses and skills training opportunities from other universities. You can combine your academic endeavors with language and professional training courses, or take part in civic engagement opportunities such as community volunteering or Help Desks. 

Interested? This season’s application period runs from 12 September – 30 October 2022. Check out the YUFE website for more information. 

And who can better inform you about the benefits of the YUFE Student Journey than one of its students: 

What is your name, where are you studying and what subject are you studying? 

My name is Tuuli Ahonen and I study translation studies and cultural studies at the University of Eastern Finland in Joensuu Finland.  

Why did you want to apply for the YUFE Student journey? 

I wanted to begin with the YUFE Student Journey because I wished to deepen my know-how in a truly European and International setting. I'm also a student representative of my university in the YUFE Student Forum so I wished to understand better what YUFE has to offer to students.  

Were did you apply to go to (online/physically) as part of the YUFE Student Journey, and why? 

I will complete my YUFE Student Journey completely online. I have completed one course (Mixed Methods) from University of Rijeka already and I will take courses from several other Universities in the fall. I have also completed a civic star at my own university where I volunteered at a translation and language support Help Desk.  

How have you enjoyed the experience? 

I have enjoyed this experience as it has deepened my knowledge and skills in languages and culture-related issues. I have also met new inspiring people and broadened my horizons regarding my studies, academia and my future professional career. 

What would you say to any student considering joining the YUFE Student Journey? 

There really is no down side to applying. You can complete as many interesting courses and activities you wish that you might not otherwise have access to. All people I have met through YUFE have been excited to be part of it.