Develop your Audit skills 29.11.2023
- Date:
- 29.11.2023 - 29.11.2023
- Credits:
- 0
- Location:
- Kuopio
- Continuous learning category:
- Social welfare and health care
- Teaching format:
- Contact teaching
- Price:
- 0 € (VAT 0%)

During the one-day training, we familiarize ourselves with the subject under the guidance of experienced auditors and put the learning into practice in workshops.
The aim of the training is to develop your auditing technique and deepen your knowledge of audit planning, implementation, reporting, and utilization of audit results. After the one-day training session
- you have received tips on how you can improve the planning of audits, use questionnaires and observe more objectively
- you know the special features of remote audits
- you know the meaning of the notes and you are better able to justify your findings, especially audit nonconformities
- you know how to monitor/follow up and use the audit findings
- you have gained more confidence to act in challenging audit situations
Sign up for the training by Friday, 24 November 2023.
Please, note that the training capacity is limited to 20 first registered.
->Training is full! If you want to register in case of cancellations, please send an email to katja.peltoniemi@uef.fi.
Those who perform or intend to become auditors in accordance with the GxP, ISO standard or internal audits for medicines, diagnostics and medical devices.
Wednesday, 29 November 2023 at 9.00 – 16.00.
University of Eastern Finland, Tietoteknia building, seminar class 1038 (Savilahdentie 6, 70620 Kuopio)
This training is free of charge.
Develop your Audit skills is part of the free training offered by the ReguVa-project (Regulatory and sustainability skills for the health and welfare sector). The project is co-funded by the EU.
The training session and materials are in English. You can join the discussion in English or in Finnish.
Once you have registered to the course, you will receive an assignment. Please return the pre-assignment by Friday, 24 November. You may complete the assignment in Finnish or in English.
By filling out the pre-assignment
- You add value to your training day and tune yourself into the theme of the day.
- We collect examples of good auditing and auditing practices and practical challenges of auditing. The collected information will be used to tailor the training day to the needs of the participants.
Wednesday 29 November 2023
9.00 Registration
9.15 Opening of the day – The goal is a successful audit
- a well-planned audit is half done
- special features of remote audits
Anneli Vuorinen, Senior Training and Quality Manager, Optimpharm
10.00 Get the auditing technique in order - Notes, interview techniques and observation
- tips on note-taking techniques
- things to consider when auditing data and documents
- interview techniques that guarantee the necessary information
- communication and observation during interviews
Hanna Kostia, Quality and ESG director, Medix Biochemica
11.00 Lunch break
11.45 Get the auditing technique in order - Challenging interaction situations, Anneli Vuorinen
- how to react in challenging situations, how to create a good and interactive atmosphere
- let's put together solutions and good practices
12:45 A Break for new ideas and connections
13.00 What is a significant and valid audit observation, Anneli Vuorinen
- how to guarantee that the observations are sufficiently documented and useful in the future
- tips for classifying observations
13.45 Coffee break
14.15 Final audit meeting and reporting, Hanna Kostia
- what should be considered
- how to prepare an informative, clear and easy-to-read report
15.00 Corrective and preventive measures and audit follow-up, Hanna Kostia
- the auditor's role
- let's put together practices on good follow-up methods
15:45–16:00 Summary and conclusion of the day, Anneli Vuorinen
- what a good and qualified auditor is like
- thinking about one's own personal development goal
- the opportunity to go through the open questions