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Introduction to Finnish Health and Social Services System, 2024-2025

Open university
smart for good
2.9.2024 - 15.6.2025
5 ECTS credits
Continuous learning category:
Nutrition and medicines, Social welfare and health care, Business and international collaboration
Teaching format:
Independent learning, Online teaching
100 € (VAT 0%)
Jatkuva oppiminen verkkosivut

Course content: Basic principles of the health and social services system in Finland; steering of the system (e.g. legislation, client choice); future trends.

Objectives: After completing this course, student understands the principles of organizing, funding and providing health and social services in Finland and achieves abilities to know and understand the knowledge on the future trends and reforms. Course develops the following generic skills: internationality, identifying and developing own expertise

See instructions on How to study at the open university.

The course is available online and can be studied between 2.9.2024-15.6.2025.

Open University registration is open 8.8.2024-30.5.2025 at UEF Continuous Learning Center website and Opintopolku.

Modes of study: Online course (online learning environment)

Evaluation: The course is evaluated on a scale of 0-5.

Study methods: Group discussions and group/individual assignment in eLearn Moodle.

Study materials: Relevant online materials and readings, will be specified later in eLearn Moodle.

Literature acquisition costs and borrowing fees are not included in the tuition fee.

Teaching language: English

Additional infomation: Study instructions will be sent by email to your UEF student email.

The Open University of the University of Eastern Finland offers extensive study counseling services. More information on our website.

This course is suitable for international students.

This course is suitable for international students.

Individual courses are 20 euros per ECTS credit. The prices are valid for the 2024-2025 academic year.

For more information on study fees and payment and cancellation terms, please see: Registration, study fees and right to study | University of Eastern Finland ( Study right will cover the lessons and exams.

Fees for purchasing/lending literature are not included in the study fee. 

If you can’t identify yourself using the service or your employer pays for your studies, please contact our student affairs secretary; their contact information is below.

Irrespective of time

Register for studies

Click the registration button on this page. You will be directed to our registration service with the study unit already selected. You can add several study units to your study cart before you continue.

II Proceed to identify yourself using the service, fill in your personal information to the registration form, confirm your registration and pay the study fees. If you cannot use the service, please contact our student affairs secretary, their information can be found below.

Please note that the registration is binding. For more information on study fees and payment and cancellation terms, please see: Registration, study fees and right to study | University of Eastern Finland (

III Your registration will typically be processed in 2-5 working days. During peak registration periods, this may take up to 10 days. After this period, you will get an automatic message which includes a link to the starting instructions. Please read and follow the instructions carefully.


If you do not have a UEF username, you will also get instructions for activating one. Access rights will be added to your username when your study right begins.


If you can’t find these messages, remember to check your email’s trash folder, and contact the open university staff if needed.


If your employer would pay your tuition fee, please contact our student affairs secretary. Their contact information can be found below.

Registration starts:
2024-08-08 09:00
Registration ends:
2025-05-30 23:59